Second part of hte basic course of mathematics for the students of physics (bachelor study). Follows the course MAF033, a simultaneously running course MAF041 is recommended.
Last update: G_M (03.06.2004)
Second part of hte basic course of mathematics for the students of physics (bachelor study). Follows the course MAF033, a simultaneously running course MAF041 is recommended. Last update: T_KVOF (28.03.2008)
Kopáček J.: Matematika pro fyziky I.,II.,III. Skripta MFF UK
Kopáček J. a kol. : Příklady z matematiky pro fyziky I., II. Skripta MFF UK
Jarník J.: Diferenciální počet I.,II
Jarník J.: Integrální počet I
Děmidovič V.: Sbírka úloh a cvičení z matematické analýzy (rusky) Last update: Zakouřil Pavel, RNDr., Ph.D. (05.08.2002)
přednáška + cvičení Last update: T_KVOF (28.03.2008)
1. Ordinary differential equations: Solution of an ODE; Cauchy problem for the ODE's; basic existence and uniqueness theorems; scalar equations of the first order - basic methods of finding solutions; linear equations of the nth order - fundamental system, variation of the constant, special right-hand side.
2. Number series: Convergent/oscilatory/divergent number series; convergence criteria for series with non-negative terms and general terms; absolute and relative convergence; product of series.
3. Sequences and series of functions: Pointwise and uniform convergence; criteria for uniform convergence of sequences and series of functions; interchanging of limits, derivative and integral of sequences and series of functions; power series; real analytic functions.
4. Lebesgue integral: Sigma-algebras, measures; construction of the Lebesgue measure; measurable functions; approximation of measurable fuunctions by simple functions; integral of simple non-negative functions; integral of general functions and its properties; limite passage through the integral; relations among Riemann, Newton and Lebesgue integral; integral dependent on parameters; Fubini's theorem, change of variables. Last update: G_M (03.06.2004)