Basic mathematics course for 2nd year students of physics.
Prerequisities: Mathematical analysis I+II and Linear algebra
Last update: T_KMA (13.05.2003)
Kopáček, J. a kol.: Matematika pro fyziky, díly III-V, skriptum MFF UK Last update: Zakouřil Pavel, RNDr., Ph.D. (05.08.2002)
Function series and sequences - pointwise and uniform convergence. Power series.
Lebesgue measure and integral in R^n - systems of sets, measure, measurable sets, measurable functions. Lebesgue integral - Fatou lemma, Levi and Lebesgue theorem, Fubini theorem. Integrals depending on the parameter.
Surface and line integral - curve, line integrals of 1st and 2nd kind. Surface integral. Gauss-Green and Stokes theorem. Last update: T_KMA (13.05.2003)