Czech for Intermediate Students II - NJAZ200
General Czech taught using selected textbooks. Development of all language skills.
Enrollment in this subject is limited.
Last update: Bubeníková Miluša, PhDr., Ph.D. (11.05.2023)
To meet the requirements it is necessary to participate in class regularly, actively work in the classroom and fulfill all homework assignments. The nature of the subject's examination excludes the repetition of such examination. Last update: Hlavičková Zuzana, PhDr. (20.04.2020)
Lída Holá, Pavla Bořilová, Čeština expres 3 A2/1, Praha: Akropolis Last update: Hlavičková Zuzana, PhDr. (20.04.2020)
To meet the requirements it is necessary to participate in class regularly, actively work in the classroom and fulfill all homework assignments. The nature of the subject's examination excludes the repetition of such examination. Last update: Hlavičková Zuzana, PhDr. (20.04.2020)
Characteristics and appearance, clothes and shopping, work and career, hypothetical situations. Grammar and lexical resources: Adjectives and nouns in nominative and accusative plural, comparison of adjectives, short personal pronouns in accusative and dative, imperfect and perfect verbs, future of imperfect verbs, conditional. Last update: Bubeníková Miluša, PhDr., Ph.D. (22.04.2024)