SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Fourier Spectral Analysis - NGEO112
Title: Fourierova spektrální analýza
Guaranteed by: Department of Geophysics (32-KG)
Faculty: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Actual: from 2021
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 4
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech, English
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. Johana Prokop Brokešová, CSc.
Teacher(s): doc. RNDr. Johana Prokop Brokešová, CSc.
Classification: Physics > Geophysics
Incompatibility : NGEO005
Interchangeability : NGEO005
Is incompatible with: NGEO005
Is interchangeable with: NGEO005
Annotation -
Fourier series. Fourier transform. Filters. Hilbert transform. Analytic signals. Fourier transform and Fourier series of discrete signals. Dicrete Fourier transform. Aliasing. Fast Fourier transform. Time-frequency analysis.
Last update: Gallovič František, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (06.06.2019)
Aim of the course -

Basic theory of four Fourier-type transforms - Fourier series and transforms od of continuous and discrete time signals. Besides fundamental applications, emphasis is laid on relationships between these transforms.

Last update: Gallovič František, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (06.06.2019)
Course completion requirements - Czech

Podmínkou udělení zápočtu je aktivní účast na cvičeních.

Povaha kontroly studia předmětu vylučuje opravné termíny zápočtu.

Získání zápočtu je podmínkou pro konání zkoušky.

Last update: Gallovič František, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (06.06.2019)
Literature - Czech
  • Červený, V.: Spektrální analýza v geofyzice I, SPN, Praha 1979.
  • Červený, V.: Fourierova spektrální analýza, MFF UK, 1987.
  • Bezvoda V., Ježek J., Saic S., Segeth K.: Dvojrozměrná diskrétní Fourierova transformace a její použití I. Teorie a obecné užití. SPN, Praha 1987.
  • Kufner A., Kadlec J.: Fourierovy řady, Academia, Praha 1969.
  • Bracewell R. N.: The Fourier transform and its applications, McGraw-Hill, 1978.

Last update: Gallovič František, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (06.06.2019)
Teaching methods -

Lecture + exercises

Last update: Gallovič František, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (06.06.2019)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

Zkouška je ústní, požadavky odpovídají sylabu v rozsahu prezentovaném na přednášce.

Last update: Gallovič František, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (06.06.2019)
Syllabus -

1. Hilbert space - basic properties. Orthogonal/orthonormal series. Complete systems. General Fourier series, trigonometric and exponential form of F. series.

2. Convergention of Fourier series, Gibs phenomenon. Basic properties of Fourier series.

3. Generalized Fourier series of eigenfuncions and orthogonal polynomials. Multidimensional Fourier series.

4. Fourier theorem. Fourier transform. Sine and cosine transform.

5. Properties of Fourier transform. Multidimensional Fourier transform.

6. Fourier transform of special functions (periodic, Dirac distribution, Heaviside function, signum). Shah function and its properties.

7. Linear filters. Transfer function and impulse response.

8. Hilbert transform - definition, basic properties. Fourier spectra of causal functions. Analytic signals. Instant frequency.

9. Fourier transform of discrete signals. Definition, basic properties. Alias in frequency domain.

10. Fourier series of discrete signals. Definition, basic properties. Alias in time domain.

11. Discrete Fourier transform (DFT). Fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. Fourier interpolation.

12. Fundamentals of time-frequency analysis.


  • Červený, V.: Spectral analysis in geophysics I, SPN, Prague 1979, lecture notes in Czech.
  • Červený, V.: Fourier spectral analysis, MFF UK, Prague 1987, lecture notes in Czech
  • Bezvoda V., Ježek J., Saic S., Segeth K.: Twodimwnsional discrete Fourier transform and its applications. I Theory. SPN, Prague 1987, lecture notes in Czech
  • Bracewell R.N: The Fourier transform and its applications, McGraw-Hill, 1978

Last update: Gallovič František, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (06.06.2019)
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