Applied Finite Element Methods. Commonly used numerical software packages. Libraries for solving partial differential
equations - libMesh, DealII. Supporting mathematical libraries PETSc, LASPack. Mesh generation and refinement. Graphical
post-processing tools. Introduction to C++ language and parallel programing.
Last update: T_KG (15.05.2007)
Students will learn how to apply finite element methods to numerical solutions of partial differential equations. Last update: T_KG (14.04.2008)
Babuška I., Strouboulis T.: The Finite element method and its reliability, Oxford Clarendon Press, 2001 Reddy J.N., Gartling D.K.: The finite element method in heat transfer and fluid dynamics http://www.dealii.org http://libmesh.sourceforge.net http://acts.nersc.gov/petsc, http://acts.nersc.gov/slepc Last update: T_KG (15.05.2007)
Practicals Last update: T_KG (11.04.2008)
1. Finite element method - partial differential equations, week formulation, Galerkin approximation, numeric solution.
2. Comparison of approaches - software, libraries and self-written code.
3. Programing in C++ - syntax, basic commands, object oriented programing, templates.
4. Mathematical libraries - PETSc, LASPack, SLEPc, their application in elementary mathematical problems.
5. Libraries - libMesh, DealII and their field of usage, differences.
6. DealII - short examples and detail presentation of solution one particular problem.
7. libMesh - examples
8. libMesh - practice
9. Mesh - generation and refinement, software possibilities.
10. Graphical post-processing tools - GMV
11. Parallel programing versus using of libraries including parallel algorithm. Last update: T_KG (15.05.2007)