Introduction to space plasmas. Experimental methods. Solar wind. Magnetosphere. Boundary regions. Bow shock. Magnetopause. Plasmapause. Radiation belts. Ionosphere. Dynamicsof the magnetosphere. Auroral zone. Northern lights. Magnetospheres of planets.
Last update: T_KG (02.04.2002)
After an introductory part which contains basic plasma physics and magnetohydrodynamics we will travel from the Sun through the solar wind and magnetosphere down to the ionosphere, with many examples of measurement onboard Earth-orbiting scientific satellites and spacecraft missions to other planets. Last update: T_KG (01.04.2008)
Oral exam Last update: Gallovič František, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (10.06.2019)
Last update: T_KG (17.03.2003)
Lecture Last update: T_KG (11.04.2008)
Plasmas in space, characteristic scales. Motion of charged particles in magnetic and electric fields, guiding center, drifts, magnetic mirrors, adiabatic invariants. Plasma distribution function, Debye length,plasma parameter, plasma frequency. Magnetohydrodynamics,consequences for space plasmas, magnetic field pressure.
Waves in plasmas, dispersion relation, characteristic frequencies, wave modes. Cold plasma theory, resonances. Waves in magnetized plasmas, polarization, resonance cone. Alfven waves, whistler mode, and free space modes. Hydromagnetic approximation magnetosonic waves. Kinetic theory.
Experimental methods of space physics, ground-based measurements, sounding rockets and spacecraft. Measurement of electric and magnetic fields, magnetometers, antennas. Measurement of plasma and energetic particles, electrostatic analyzers. Examples of data obtained by scientific spacecraft.
The Sun and solar wind, solar corona. Radio emissions, type II and III. Models of corona, solar wind, its parameters, structure and dynamics. Solar wind magnetic field, heliosphere. Interaction of the solar wind with the magnetosphere. Bow shock, its structure and parameters, magnetosheath. Magnetopause, its position and current system, cusp. Magnetotail, neutral sheet, plasmasheet, and tail lobes.
Plasmasphere, its position and dynamics. Radiation (Van Allen) belts. Ring current. Ionosphere, ionization mechanisms and models, regions, conductivity. Aurorae borealis, discrete and diffuse. Regions of occurrence and time scales. Variations of geomagnetic field, measurement, geomagnetic indices. Magnetospheric dynamics, geomagnetic storms and substorms.
Magnetospheres of other planets, comparison to the Earth. Unmagnetized bodies in the solar wind. Last update: T_KG (17.03.2003)