Selected topics in quantum theory (Spin phenomena in atomic and molecular physics, quantisation of
electromagnetic fields and interaction with molecules). Depending on student's interest and activity, it may serve
as preparation for master or doctoral exams. For 2 yr of master studies or doctoral students of biophysics and
other specializations.
Last update: Procházka Marek, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (17.06.2020)
Synthethizes knowledge of quantum theory. Students will be prepared to pass master and/or doctoral exams. Last update: SANDA/MFF.CUNI.CZ (07.05.2008)
Criteria for succesful course completion:
1. At least 70% active participation. 2. Elaboration and presentation of several thematic areas of quantum theory, to the extent at least corresponding to the requirements for the final state examination.* 3. Elaboration of assigned homework.* The number of assignments and presentations is specified at the first seminar. Last update: Profant Václav, RNDr., Ph.D. (30.10.2019)
lecture, reports, socratic debate Last update: SANDA/MFF.CUNI.CZ (07.05.2008)
Zápočet udělovaný za aktivní účast, tj. 1, vypracování domácích úkolů dle zadání. 2,zpracování a přednesení některého tématu určeného počátkem semestru. Last update: Šanda František, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (12.06.2019)
Pauli and Dirac equations. Spin-orbital a spin-spin interaction. Orbital and spin magnetic moment and their interaction with external fields. Quantization of electromagnetic fields, interaction of interakce electomagnetic fields with molecules. Fermi golden rule. Absorption, stimulated nad spontaneous emission. Dipole approximation, selection rules. Bosons a fermions. Pauli principle. Secomd quantisation. Separation of electronic nad nuclear degrees of freedom. Single-particle approximation.
Last update: Šanda František, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (17.06.2020)