The lecture is the continuation of the lecture "Physics I" whose content is based on requirements of the Faculty of Sciences of Charles University and includes: Fundamental principles of electricity and magnetism, wave optics, basic principles of atom and nuclear physics.
Last update: T_KVOF (10.05.2001)
The lecture is the continuation of the lecture "Physics I" whose content is based on requirements of the Faculty of Sciences of Charles University and includes: Fundamental principles of electricity and magnetism, wave optics, basic principles of atom and nuclear physics. Last update: T_KVOF (28.03.2008)
The credit is issued for the active participation at seminars/tutorials and the sucesfull passing of the final writeen test. Obtaining the credit is required for the oral exam, if the lecturer does not stipulate else. The requirements for the exam correspond to the syllabus/handout which was presented at the lectures. Last update: Janeček Miloš, prof. RNDr., CSc. (08.06.2019)
Fuka, Havelka: Elektřina a magnetismus, SPN 1965 Klimeš, Kracík: Základy fyziky II, Academia 1972 (EM + optika) Horák, Krupka: Fyzika II, SNTL 1976 (EM+optika+kvant. fyzika) Sedlák, Bakule: Elektřina a magnetismus (skriptum MFF UK) Sedlák, Štoll: Elektřina a magnetismus, Academia 2002 Libovolná učebnice elektřiny a magnetismu a optiky Last update: JANECEK (03.05.2005)
přednáška + cvičení Last update: T_KVOF (28.03.2008)
Požadavky ke zkoušce odpovídají sylabu v rozsahu, který byl prezentován na přednášce.
Nutnou podmínkou účasti u zkoušky je udělení zápočtu, pokud přednášející nestanoví jinak. Last update: Kudrnová Hana, Mgr. (11.06.2019)
Electricity and magnetism
1. Electrostatics Electrostatic field of fixed coductors in vacuum, Coulomb's law, intensity of the electrostatic field, Gauss's theorem, examples of the calculation of the intensity of the electrostatic field, work in the electrostatic field, potential, voltage, general equations of the electrostatic field in vacuum, electrostatic field in conductors, electrostatic induction - examples, capacity of conductors, electrostatic field in dielectrics - bound charges, electrical polarization, general equations of the electrostatic field in dielectrics - electrical induction
2. Electrical current, stationary electrical field Electrical current and electrical density, mechanisms of electrical current, effects of electrical current, continuity equation of electrical current, causes of the electrical current - electrical circuit, current in the homogeneous conductor - Ohm's law, stationary current and stationary electrical field, D-C voltage, electrical circuits - Kirchhoff's laws, connecting of resistors and power sources, work and power of electrical current, curerent conduction in materials - homogeneous systems (metals, semiconductors and insulators), nonhomogeneous systems - kontact potentials, thermoelectrical efeects, p-n junction, diode, transistor, current conduction in liquids, Faraday's laws of leectrolysis, current conduction in gasses.
3. Magnetic field in the quasistationary approach Basic physical effects of magnetic field (MF), Lorenz force, the movement of charged particles in the MF and the devices using this movement, electromagnetic induction - Faraday law, MF in vacuum, Ampere's law, Biot-Savart's law, general equations of the MF in vacuum, MF in matterials, magnetisation, and magnetic polarization, bound currents, general equations of the MF in materials - intensity of MF, magnetic susceptibility, diamagnetics and paramagnetics, Curie's law, feromagnetics, Curie-Weiss's law, electrical circuit in the quasistationary approach - induction and mutual induction, transient effects by current connecting and disconnecting, RLC circuits - vector and complex symbolics
Optics Waves, polarization, wave propagation in space - refraction and reflection, Huyghens's principle, interference of waves - stationary waves, group and phase velocity, Doppler's principle, wave equation, interaction of electrons with solids, basic principles of electron microscopy.
Basic principles of quantum physics Corpuscular-wave duality, Schroedinger's equation, surface photovoltage effect, Bohr's model of atom, magnetic properties of atoms, band model of solids. Last update: JANECEK (06.05.2005)