Advanced Topics on Econometrics - NEKN007
The lecture follows lecture NEKN041 with specialization on the mathematical
theory of modern econometrics. Linear regression with general loss function.
Censored data.
Last update: T_KPMS (14.05.2010)
Presentation of advanced methods of econometrics. Last update: T_KPMS (22.05.2008)
Drymes, P.J.: Mathematics for Econometrics. Springer Verlag, New York, 1984
Drymes, P.J.: Topics in Advanced Econometrics. Springer Verlag, New York, 1994
Fomby, T.B., Hill, R.C., Johnson, S.R.:Advance Econometric Methods. Springer Verlag, New York, 1984 Last update: Zakouřil Pavel, RNDr., Ph.D. (05.08.2002)
Lecture. Last update: G_M (27.05.2008)
1. Linear regression model.
2. Estimation of regression parameters.
3. M-estimators and efficient estimators.
4. Consistency and speed of convergence of these estimators.
5. Linear regression model adapted for economical applications.
6. Error dependence in linear regression model.
7. Autoregressive model.
8. Censored linear regression model. Last update: T_KPMS (16.05.2003)