Graphs and counting - NDMI078
Discrete enumeration with applications in both graph theory and statistical physics.
Last update: Macharová Dana, JUDr. (06.01.2009)
Oral exam. Last update: Kynčl Jan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (31.05.2019)
Mohar, Thomassen, Graphs on surfaces, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001. Stanley, Enumerative Combinatrics I, Cambridge University Press 1997. Loebl, M.: Discrete mathematics and statistical physics; introductory lecture notes (připravovaná skripta) Last update: Macharová Dana, JUDr. (06.01.2009)
For the main exam, the requirements correspond to the syllabus as covered by the lectures. Last update: Kynčl Jan, doc. Mgr., Ph.D. (24.05.2019)
Algebraic structure of cycles and cuts of graphs Duality of enumeration: MacWilliams' theorem Connections with the Ising partition function Equivalence of basic generating functions Algorithmic aspects Last update: Loebl Martin, prof. RNDr., CSc. (30.12.2020)