A practical guide to the finite-difference modelling in geophysics with a view to wave propagation in complex 3D
Last update: T_KG (22.04.2013)
A student, who is able to design and realize his own finite-difference method for numerical modelling of physical quantities. Last update: T_KG (22.04.2013)
Oral exam Last update: Gallovič František, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (10.06.2019)
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J. E.Vidale, D. V. Helmberger, 1987. Path effects in strong motion seismology, in Seismic Strong Motion Synthetics, pp. 267-319, ed. Bolt, B.A., Academic Press, Orlando, FL, USA.
A. R. Levander, 1989. Finite-difference forward modeling in seismology, in The Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics, pp. 410-431, ed. James, D.E., Van Nostrand Reinhold.
V. Pretlová, J. Zahradník, Numerické metody v geofyzice I., II. (skripta), SPN, 1978/1981 Last update: T_KG (22.04.2013)
Lecture Last update: T_KG (22.04.2013)
Zkouška je ústní, požadavky odpovídají sylabu v rozsahu prezentovaném na přednášce. Last update: Gallovič František, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (06.10.2017)
1. Approximation of derivatives by difference operators
2. Partial differential equations and their approximation by difference equations (in particular elastodynamic equation)
3. Numerical dispersion, stability and the order of accuracy of a stencil, computational demands
4. Explicit and implicit stencils, heterogeneous stencils, approximation of material discontinuities and free-surface condition
5. Finite-difference method on regular and irregular grids
6. Acoustic and elastodynamic equations formulated in displacements on standard grids; stress-velocity formulation on staggered grids
7. Optimum operators and increasing stencil accuracy
8. Realizing the source and attenuation using a volume force
9. Artificial boundary conditions on the edges of the computational domain: non-reflecting boundaries, tapers and symmetry conditions
10. Hybrid formulation used for injecting physical field into computational domain Last update: T_KG (22.04.2013)