Mathematical description of the geomagnetic field. Time variations of the geomagnetic field. Paleomagnetism. Reversals of the Earth's magnetic field. Transient magnetic variations of the external field. Magnetic fields of the Sun, Moon and planets. Introduction to the dynamo theory.
Last update: T_KG (18.01.2007)
The purpose of this basic geophysical course is to introduce to the students the properties of magnetic and electric fields of the Earth, Sun, and other celestial bodies, the problematic of measurements, mathematical-physical description and modelling of these fields and their relations to the physical, chemical, and mineralogical structure of the Earth and its surrounding and to the dynamical processes in the Earth. Last update: T_KG (07.04.2008)
Podmínky pro udělení zápočtu:
Získání alespoň 67% bodů za domácí úkoly zadané v průběhu semestru. Úkoly je možné po dohodě i vrátit k doplnění a přepracování. Získání zápočtu je podmínkou pro konání zkoušky.
Forma zkoušky: písemná, bodovaná Klasifikace: >=51% dobře/prospěl; >=67% velmi dobře; >=85% výborně Požadavky odpovídají sylabu v rozsahu prezentovaném na přednášce. Last update: Velímský Jakub, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (06.10.2017)
Last update: T_KG (18.01.2007)
Lecture + exercises Last update: T_KG (11.04.2008)
The Earth's magnetic field
The present geomagnetic field (GMF). Magnetic and geomagnetic coordinates and poles. Geomagnetic charts. Principles of the main geomagnetic devices and methods of measurment. Mathematical description of GMF - Gauss spherical harmonic analysis. Internal and external Earth's magnetic field. Geomagnetic dipole, excentric dipole. Time variations of the GMF a) Slow changes of the internal field Paleomagnetism. Rock magnetization. Virtual poles, paleomagnetic poles. Apparent polar wander paths. GMF reversals. b) Transient variations of the external field The magnetosphere. Charged particles in the magnetosphere. Regular variations of GMF. Storms and substorms. Aurora. Pulzations. Magnetic indices. Magnetic fields of the bodies of the solar system The Sun and its structure. Magnetic field of the Sun. Solar wind. Magnetic fields of planets. Generation of the Earth's magnetic field Bullard disc dynamo. The equations of the Earth's dynamo. Kinematic dynamos. Dynamics of the geodynamo. Last update: T_KG (18.01.2007)