Geodynamic and planetary sciences are fast developing branches for which large number of papers is published
every year. In the scope of the seminar, the up-to-date papers are presented. Chosen papers, which are extension
of classical papers and textbooks, are discussed in details.
Last update: T_KG (04.05.2015)
The aim of the course is to be well informed about recently published papers in geodynamics and planetary sciences. Last update: T_KG (04.05.2015)
Podmínkou udělení zápočtu je aktivní účast na semináři. Povaha kontroly studia předmětu vylučuje opravné termíny zápočtu. Last update: Běhounková Marie, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (06.10.2017)
Treatise on Geophysics. G. Schubert (Ed. -in-Chief). Elsevier (2007)
Mantle convection in the Earth and planets. Gerald Schubert, Donald L. Turcotte, Peter Olson. Cambridge University Press (2001)
Up-to-date published papers recommended by lecturer. Last update: T_KG (04.05.2015)
Reading of and discussion about recently published papers. Last update: T_KG (04.05.2015)
Geodynamic and planetary sciences are fast developing branches for which large number of papers is published every year. In the scope of the seminar, the up-to-date papers are presented. Chosen papers, which are extension of classical papers and textbooks, are discussed in details. Last update: T_KG (04.05.2015)