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Ab Initio Calculations in Chemistry and Biochemistry - NBCM050
Title: Ab-initio výpočty v chemii a biochemii
Guaranteed by: Department of Chemical Physics and Optics (32-KCHFO)
Faculty: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Actual: from 2004
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 10
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT]
summer s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: cancelled
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Ing. Jaroslav Burda, DrSc.
Class: Fyzika
Classification: Physics > Biophysics and Chemical Physics
Interchangeability : NBCM121, NBCM122
Annotation -
From SCF approximation to higly sofisticated methods for calculating the correlation energy. Applications in chemistry and biochemistry.
Last update: T_KCHFO (11.05.2001)
Literature - Czech

Zahradník R., Polák R. Základy kvantové chemie, SNTL Praha 19

Čárský P., Urban M. Ab initio výpočty v chemii, SNTL Praha 1985

Fišer J. Úvod do kvantové chemie, Academia Praha1983

Fišer J. Úvod do molekulové symetrie (Aplikace teorie grup v chemii), SNTL Praha 1980

Hobaz P., Zahradník R. Mezimolekulové komplexy, Academia Praha 1988

Dyall K.G. Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Chemistry, A Course for Graduate Students, Odense University, 1995

Szabo A., Ostlund N.S. Modern Quantum Chemistry, McGraw-Hill 1989

Daudel R., Leroy G., Peers D., Sana M. Quantum Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons1983. ed. Roos B. Lecture Notes in Quantum Chemistry, European Summer School in Quantum Chemistry, Springer-Verlag 1992rovnice; relativistické korekce pro pohyb elektronu v elektromagnetickém poli - Pauliho rovnice, spin-orbitální interakce; atom vodíku se započtením spinu a interakce s vnějším magnetickým polem; Dirac-Hartree-Fockova rovnice; 2-spinorová Diracova rovnice - skalární soubor bazí a neredukovatelné grupy symetrie fermionů; L.C.A.Spinorů.

Zahradník R., Polák R. Základy kvantové chemie, SNTL Praha 19

Čárský P., Urban M. Ab initio výpočty v chemii, SNTL Praha 1985

Fišer J. Úvod do kvantové chemie, Academia Praha1983

Fišer J. Úvod do molekulové symetrie (Aplikace teorie grup v chemii), SNTL Praha 1980

Hobaz P., Zahradník R. Mezimolekulové komplexy, Academia Praha 1988

Dyall K.G. Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Chemistry, A Course for Graduate Students, Odense University, 1995

Szabo A., Ostlund N.S. Modern Quantum Chemistry, McGraw-Hill 1989

Daudel R., Leroy G., Peers D., Sana M. Quantum Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons1983. ed. Roos B. Lecture Notes in Quantum Chemistry, European Summer School in Quantum Chemistry, Springer-Verlag 1992

Last update: G_F (26.05.2003)
Syllabus -

From SCF approximation to higly sofisticated methods for calculating the correlation energy. Applications in chemistry and biochemistry.

Last update: G_F (26.05.2003)
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