Algebraic Specifications - NALG058
Applications of multisorted universal algebra and equational logic
in the theory of abstract data types.
Last update: T_KA (25.05.2001)
H. Ehrig, B. Mahr: Fundamentals of algebraic specification 1. Monographs on Theoretical Computer Systems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York - Tokyo 1985 Last update: Zakouřil Pavel, RNDr., Ph.D. (05.08.2002)
1. Equational logic of multi-sorted algebras.
2. Algebraic specification and initial semantics.
3. Abstract data types and their algebraic specification.
4. Classical semantics, free functors, foundations of category theory.
5. Normal forms and term rewrite systems; connections with algebraic specification. Last update: T_KA (26.04.2004)