Vector spaces, especially of finite dimensions, matrices, systems
of linear equations, permutations and determinants. Homomorphisms
of vector spaces, coordinates and their transformations, linear
forms and dual spaces.
Last update: G_M (11.10.2001)
1. L. Bican, Lineární algebra a geometrie, Academia Praha 2000, ISBN 80-200-0843-8
2. J. Bečvář, Vektorové prostory I, II, III, SPN Praha 1978, 1981, 1982
3. J. Bečvář, Sbírka úloh z lineární algebry, SPN Praha 1975
4. L. Bican, Lineární algebra, SNTL Praha 1979
5. L. Bican, Lineární algebra v úlohách, SPN Praha 1979 Last update: T_KA (20.05.2009)
1. Vector spaces. Definition and examples, subspaces, linear envelope, linear dependence and independence, basis and dimension, coordinates with respect to a basis. Finite-dimensional vector spaces, Steinitz's theorem, elementary transformations, theorem on the dimension of the join and meet.
2. Matrices. Operations with matrices, regular and singular matrices and their characterizations. The rank of a matrix. 3. Systems of linear equations. Homogeneous systems, the space of solutions and its dimension, the method of elimination non-homogeneous systems, solvability, the theorem of Frobenius, the properties of solutions.
4. Permutation on a set. Decompositions into independent cycles and transpositions, the sign of a permutation and the methods for its calculation.
5. The determinant of a square matrix. Basic properties of determinants, the expansion of a determinant under a row and a column, the theorem on multiplication of determinants. The calculations of determinants, Cramer's rule.
6. Homomorphisms of vector spaces. Special types of homomorphisms, the properties of the kernel and the image, the theroem on the dimension of the kernel and the image.
7. Transformation of coordinates. The notion of a transformation of coordinates, the matrix of the transition, the matrix of a homomorphism, the rank of a homomorphism.
8. Linear forms. Basic properties, analytical expression, dual space, duality.
Last update: T_KA (20.05.2009)