Časopis Geoinformatika Panel -GI kompendium, Průvodce světem geoinformací a geografických informačních systémů, Ed. Andrew U. Frank, Geoinfo Series nr. 21, Evropská komise, Vídeň 2000, ISBN 3-901716-22, 140 str. Geospatial Data Infrastructure : Concepts, Cases, and Good Practice (Spatial Information Systems (Cloth)) Richard Groot & John McLaughlin (Eds), Oxford University Press, 2000, 286 str. Goodchild, M.,. Geographical Information Science. International Journal for Geographic Information Systems, 1992, 6(1): 31-45 Duckham, M., Goodchild, M. and Worboys , M. (Editors), Foundations of geographic information science. Taylor & Francis, London 2003. Gahegan, M. Beyond tools: Visual support for the process of giscience in Exploring geovisualization, Dykes, J., A. M. MacEachren, & M. J. Kraak, Eds. Amsterdam, Elsevier 2004. Longley, P. A., M. F. Goodchild, D. J. Maguire, & D. W. Rhind Geographic information systems and science. Chichester, Wiley 2001. Last update: FORSTOVA/NATUR.CUNI.CZ (13.08.2012)
Students will gain knowledge on general concept of Geoinformatics and improve their capability to put issues addressed in separate lectures into common geoinformation frame. Introduction into topisc of all courses at the study programme and how the study approach should look. Information and starting discussion on the goals of the thesis and about the process of thesis theme selection. Overview of supporting technologies as data acquisition, ICT, visualisation, overview of institutional issues. Geospatial data services. Infrastructure and processes to deliver these products and services (the faculty common database projects). Introduction into Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) concepts. Cases from application domains of geospatial data products and services - essay assignment for students. Joint discussion on the cases presented as parts of the geoinformatics concept.
Conditions for passing the course: 1. Elaboration and presentation of the essay on given application topic in the seminar before the end of the semester. 2. Personal presence at all essays presentations. Both conditions need to be fulfilled.
Last update: Kolář Jan, doc. Ing., CSc. (04.11.2013)