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Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Introduction to MSc study - MZ370P01
Title: Úvod do magisterského studia
Czech title: Úvod do magisterského studia
Guaranteed by: Department of Applied Geoinformatics and Cartography (31-370)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2011
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 5
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/2, C [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Note: enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: doc. Ing. Jan Kolář, CSc.
Teacher(s): doc. Ing. Jan Kolář, CSc.
Literature - Czech

Časopis Geoinformatika

Panel -GI kompendium, Průvodce světem geoinformací a geografických informačních systémů, Ed. Andrew U. Frank, Geoinfo Series nr. 21, Evropská komise, Vídeň 2000, ISBN 3-901716-22, 140 str.

Geospatial Data Infrastructure : Concepts, Cases, and Good Practice (Spatial Information Systems (Cloth)) Richard Groot & John McLaughlin (Eds), Oxford University Press, 2000, 286 str.

Goodchild, M.,. Geographical Information Science. International Journal for Geographic Information Systems, 1992, 6(1): 31-45

Duckham, M., Goodchild, M. and Worboys , M. (Editors), Foundations of geographic information science. Taylor & Francis, London 2003.

Gahegan, M. Beyond tools: Visual support for the process of giscience in Exploring geovisualization, Dykes, J., A. M. MacEachren, & M. J. Kraak, Eds. Amsterdam, Elsevier 2004.

Longley, P. A., M. F. Goodchild, D. J. Maguire, & D. W. Rhind Geographic information systems and science. Chichester, Wiley 2001.

Last update: SURANOVA (30.03.2006)
Syllabus -

Presentation of the concept of Geoinformatics based on supply and demand of geospatial data and information. Overview of supporting technologies as data acquisition, ICT, visualisation, overview of institutional issues.

Types of products such as images from airborne and spaceborne platforms, hard copy maps, geospatial data and data production integration. Geospatial data services. Infrastructure and processes to deliver these products and services (the faculty common database projects).

Introduction into Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) concepts.

Cases from application domains of geospatial data products and services – essay assignment

Typical Geoinformatics related GIS and RS topics possibly acting as a basis for the diploma thesis study.

Revisit of the cases. Panel discussion on geoinformatics concept.

Last update: JKOLAR (05.02.2007)
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