Field Study in Social Geography - MZ340T10
The principal goal of this course is to enable to students to verify their theoretical skills and knowledge in the practical field collecting and preparation of data concerning research of social geography subjects, processes or events. The course is conceived as fieldwork, it is connected with currently realized research and projects on Department or institutions that focus on socio-geographical topics. It includes active participation in various phases of research, primarily in data collection, data preparation, data analysis, processing of interim and final reports, etc. The aim is to approach the work of social geographers in practice.
Last update: Jíchová Jana, RNDr., Ph.D. (04.09.2024)
Literature is recommended based on the specific research in which the students are involved in terms of topic, research methods, environment. Last update: Jíchová Jana, RNDr., Ph.D. (17.02.2022)
The course is completed by a credit, which is recorded by the guarantor. The basic fulfillment conditions include: - active participation in the field and on the first lecture - elaboration of tasks according to assignment - final research report The fulfillment conditions are always specified in more detail on the basis of the concrete research in which the students are involved. Last update: Jíchová Jana, RNDr., Ph.D. (04.09.2024)
Vstupní přednáška se bude konat během března/dubna - bude upřesněno Samotný terénní výjezd se uskuteční pravděpodobně v termínu 20.-23.5. 2024. Last update: Jíchová Jana, RNDr., Ph.D. (11.09.2024)