1. Introduction: paradigm, disciplinary matrix, exemplary cases, so-called normal science, revolutionary shift in a discipline (Kuhn, Harvey, Cloke et a.)
2, tradition of regional studies: Vidal de la Blache, Hettner, Harthorne 3. first postwar reaction to traditions of regional geography: quantitative revolution, so-called spatial science (Christaller, Heggett and others) 4. social ecology (from Park to Hawley, Berry and others) 5. marxist reaction (Harvey and others) 6. Lund school and its impacts: from diffusion to time geography and organisation (Hägerstrand, Törnqvist and others) 7. so-called critical socio-economic geography (realism and critical social science) 8. so-called postmodern social geography and searching for a new regional geography Last update: Chromý Pavel, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (08.10.2023)
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