The lecture is oriented on rural development in the CR. In the first part there is discussed the history of rural settlement in the CR with bigger stress on the last 50 years period. The second part of the lecture devotes to several aspects of rural development in the late 1990s. Specific themes are dealing with the position of rural municipalities, mayors and elected bodies and their possibilities to influence rural development. The typology of rural settlement in the CR is shown in the lecture.
References PACIONE, M. (1984): Rural Geography. Harper & Row Publishers, London. HAMPL, M., MULLER, J., PERLÍN, R. (1996): Problems of Regional Development in the Czech Republic. Sborník konference EU, Toruň, 14 p. Last update: Perlín Radim, RNDr., Ph.D. (30.10.2019)
PACIONE, M. (1984): Rural Geography. Harper & Row Publishers, London. BLAŽEK, Bohuslav (1998), Venkov, města, média. 1. vyd. Praha SLON, 632 s. tab., obr. ISBN 80-85850-59-1 ZUBRICKÝ G. Ruralna geografia, skriptum Univerzita Komenského, Bralislava MAJEROVÁ, Věra (1998) Sociologie venkova a zemědělství. Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze. Provozně ekonomická fakulta, 148 s. tab. ISBN80-213-0431-6 WOODS M. (2005) Rural geography, Sage publicatuions, 328 p. Donagh, J a kol. (2009): A Living Countryside, Ashgate, 397 p. Další autoři: Paul Halfacree, Mark Shucksmith, Guy Robinson, Mary Cowley, Jo Little, Tonny Marsden, Jan Douwe van der PLOEG, Polská škola: Jerzy Banski, Časopisy Journal of Rural Geography editor Paul Cloke Sociologia Ruralis, ESRS, dostupné v databázích cuni.cz European Countryside online verze dostupná, editor A. Vaishar, Mendel U., Brno Land Use Elsevier Last update: Perlín Radim, RNDr., Ph.D. (18.02.2022)
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