The lecture is to bring a detailed description and explanation of a process of international migration. To help understand its complex character and its causes, mechanisms and consequences. An attention is paid to a development of the process over time. The global approach is supplemented with analyses of migration within individual continents and within selected countries. The international migration of Czechia is presented individually as well as it is touched within many other thematic blocks.
1) Introduction, putting the whole issue into broader geopolitical and economic frameworks, 2) international migration movements in history 3) statistics and data sources, definitions, 4) theoretical concepts of international migration I., 5) theoretical concepts of international migration II, 6) political and juridical aspects of the international migration issue, 7) economic, demographic and geographical aspects of the international migration issue, 8) immigrants integration into a host society and related problems, 9) the current international migration in Central/Eastern Europe, 10) the U.S.- as an example of a traditional immigration country, 11) Czechia - as an example of newly constituting immigration country in Central/Eastern Europe, 12) presentation and discussion of selected research studies on international migration issues. The course will be accompaned by a video and, possibily a movie. Last update: Drbohlav Dušan, prof. RNDr., CSc. (01.10.2022)
Povinná: Drbohlav, D., Janurová, K. (2019): Migration and Integration in Czechia: Policy Advances and the Hand Brake of Populism. https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/migration-and-integration-czechia-policy-advances-and-hand-brake-populism Gamlen, A. (2020). Migration and Mobility after the 2020 Pandemic: The End of an Age? IOM. Chamie, J. (2020): International Migration amid a World in Crisis. Journal on Migration and Human Security, Vol. 8, No. (3), pp. 230-245. Massey, D. (1994): The Social and Economic Origins of Immigration. The Social Contract, Spring, pp. 183-185. Klaus, W., Duszczyk, M., Pszczólkowska, D. (2020): Which Factors Influence States´ Migration Policies? In: Relations between Immigration and Integration Policies in Europe. Duszczyk, M., Pachocka, M., Pszczólkowska, D. (eds.). London, New York, Routledge. Massey, D. (1988): Ekonomický rozvoj a mezinárodní migrace v komparativní perspektivě. Překlad MDA původního článku publikovaného v: Population and Development Review, Vol. 14, No 3, pp 383–413. Carling, J., Czaika, M., Erdal, M. B. (2020): Translating Migration Theory into Empirical Propositions. QuantMig Project Deliverable 1.2. Černý, K. (2018): Great Middle Eastern Instability: Structural Roots and Uneven Modernization 1960‐2012. Journal of Historical Sociology, 31, pp. 53–71. Massey, D. S. et al. (1993): Theories of International Migration: Review and Appraisal. Population and Development Review, Vol. 19, No. 3, September, s. 431-466. Mountz, A., Wright, R.: Daily Life in the Transnational Migrant Community of San Augustin, Oaxaca and Poughkeepsie. New York (strojopis). De Haas, H. (2012): The Migration and Development Pendulum: A Critical View on Research and Policy. International Migration, Vol 50, No. 3, pp. 8-25. Drbohlav, D. (2008): Nelegální migrace a neoprávněné ekonomické aktivity migrantů v Evropě - koncept a současná realita. In: DRBOHLAV, D. (ed.): Nelegální ekonomické aktivity migrantů (Česko v evropském kontextu). Praha, Karolinum. Trlifajová, L. (2015): Cizinci ztraceni v počtech? Metodika práce s daty o cizincích ve veřejně dostupných databázích. Výstup projektu, Multikulturní centrum Praha (manuskript). Drbohlav, D., Medová, L., Čermák, Z., Janská, E., Čermáková, D., Dzúrová, D. (2010): Migrace a (i)migranti v Česku. Kdo jsme, odkud přicházíme, kam jdeme? Praha, SLON. Doporučená: TRIANDAFYLLIDOU, A. (2018): Handbook of Migration and Globalisation. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing , Inc. SCHOLTEN, P., VAN OSTAIJEN, M. (2018): Between Mobility and Migration. IMISCOE Research Series. Cham, Springer. SAMERS, M., COLLYER, M. (2017): Migration. Abingdon, Routledge. DRBOHLAV, D. (ed.) (2015): Ukrajinská pracovní migrace v Česku. Migrace - Remitence - (Rozvoj). Praha, Karolinum. SILVA-VARGAS, C. (ed.) (2012): Handbook of Research Methods in Migration. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. MARTINIELLO, M., RATH, J. (eds.) (2010): Selected Studies in International Migration and Immigrant Incorporation. IMISCOE Textbooks. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press. OKOLSKI, M. (ed.) (2012): European Immigrations; Trends, Structures and Policy Implications. IMISCOE Research. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press. CASTLES, S. - MILLER, M. J. (2009): The Age of Migration. New York, The Guilford Press. WOOD, P., LANDRY, Ch. (2008): Intercultural City; Planning for Diversity Advantage. London, Earthscan. BRETELL, C.B. - HOLLIFIELD, J. F. (2000): Migration Theory, Talking across Disciplines. New York, Routledge. BOYLE, P., HALFACREE, K., ROBINSON, V. (1998): Exploring Contemporary Migration. Harlow, Pearson, Prentice Hall. COHEN, R. (1995): The Cambridge Survey of World Migration. New York, Cambridge University Press. SOWELL, T. (1996): Migration and Cultures, A World View. New York, Basicbooks. BASTIA, T., SKELDON, R. (2020): Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development. Abingdon, New York, Routledge. SAMERS, M., COLLYER, M. (2017): Migration. Abingdon, New York, Routledge. TRIANDAFYLLIDOU, A. (ed.) (2018): Handbook of Migration and Globalisation. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing Inc. RIBAS-MATEOS, N., DUNN, T. D. (eds.) (2020): Handbook on Human Security, Borders and Migration. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing Inc.
Last update: Drbohlav Dušan, prof. RNDr., CSc. (04.12.2022)
Podmínky pro splnění studijních povinností, resp. zápočtu: 1) aktivní přístup při přednáškách a v diskusi článků, 2) odevzdání a přednesení závěrů seminární práce - cca pětistránkový návrh vlastního výzkumného projektu relevantního problematice mezinárodní migrace či integrace cizinců do majoritní společnosti cílové země, 3) účast - vyžadována nejmémě 75 % účast na přednáškách. Zkouška je realizována písemným testem (10 otázek), k úspěšnému splnění je nutno získat nejméně 25 z maximálně obdržitelných 50 bodů. Last update: Drbohlav Dušan, prof. RNDr., CSc. (01.10.2022)
Introduction, putting the whole issue into broader geopolitical and economic frameworks; current interanational migration situation and trends; international migration movements in history; statistics and data sources, definitions; theoretical concepts of international migration I.; theoretical concepts of international migration II; migration policy and juridical aspects of the international migration issue; economic, demographic and geographical aspects of the international migration issue; race and ethnicity and their role in international migration movements (theoretical and practical issues); illegal migration and irregular economic activities of migrants; Czechia - as an example of newly constituting immigration country in Central/Eastern Europe; presentation and discussion of selected research projects on international migration issues (designed by students), video (from the Los Angeles area). Last update: Drbohlav Dušan, prof. RNDr., CSc. (01.10.2021)