SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Environmental management - MO550S07
Title: Organizace a řízení ochrany ŽP
Czech title: Organizace a řízení ochrany ŽP
Guaranteed by: Institute for Environmental Studies (31-550)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2024
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 4
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:1/1, C [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Note: enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: RNDr. Bc. Zdeňka Křenová, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): RNDr. Bc. Zdeňka Křenová, Ph.D.
Incompatibility : MO550P65
Is incompatible with: MO550P65
Annotation -
During the semester, students are acquainted with the structure of environmental management(governmental, private and non-governmental sector, environmental protection financing), with "Project management" (professional focus, knowledge, skills and attitudes of "managers" , implementation of results), with landscape planning concepts, with EIA/SEA process (process, documentation, assessment, legal and practical framework, methods, background, examples), with environmental management system, with monitoring program (preparation, management, examples of monitoring programs, network , application of the result), with scientific methods in environmental protection (hypotheses, general scheme of solving a scientific problem, evaluation of science, grant systems, institutional support), with key tools for responsible management of water ecosystem, forests etc. Finally, the students will work on the project they will present.
Last update: Křenová Zdeňka, RNDr. Bc., Ph.D. (22.09.2022)
Literature - Czech
Absolon, K., a kol. 1994: Metodika sberu dat pro biomonitoring v chránených územích. Ceský ústav ochrany prírody.

Anzenbacher, A. 1990: Úvod do filozofie. SPN Praha.

Audit and reduction manual for industrial emissions and wastes.1991. Technival Series N 7. UNEP UNIDO.

Beaglehole, R., Bonita, R., and Kjölström, T. 1993: Basic Epidemiology. WHO Geneve.

Dusík, J., Kouba, Z. 1994: Principy posuzování vlivu na životní prostredí. PEAC Praha.

Chytil, M.K. 1981: Logické základy užívání matematických metod ve vedeckém výzkumu. CSAV

Löw, J. a kol. 1995: Rukovet projektanta místního územního systému ekologické stability. Metodika pro zpracování dokumentace. Nakladatelství Doplnek, Brno, MŽP CR.

Míchal, I., 1992: Ekologická stabilita. MŽP CR.

MŽP 1995: Státní politika životního prostredí. 36 str.

National Environmental Policy Act USA, Council on Environmental Quality. Executive Office of the President.

Reitschmiedová, A., 1998: Práce s verejností a místní agenda 21. MŽP a CEÚ. 88 str

Ríha, J. 1995: Hodnocení vlivu investic na životní prostredí. Vícekriteriální analýza a EIA. ACADEMIA Praha.

Šindlar. M., Marhoun, K. a kol. 1994: Revitalizace rícních systému. Metodické pokyny. MŽP

Wathern, P., 1992: Environmental Impact Assessment, Theory and Practice, Routledge London and New York.

Vestník MŽP
Zpravodaj MŽP
Rocenky MŽP a dalších resortu
Príklady príslušných dokumentací

Last update: Křenová Zdeňka, RNDr. Bc., Ph.D. (22.09.2022)
Requirements to the exam -

The course ends with credit. For credit it is necessary:

- At least 75% participation in lectures (alternatively according to the Covid situation - min. 75% points from continuously assigned tasks in the online environment).

- Active cooperation in the team preparation of the OŽP project.

- Active participation in both seminars, where projects will be presented and evaluated.

Last update: Křenová Zdeňka, RNDr. Bc., Ph.D. (08.03.2024)
Syllabus -

1. Overview of environmental management in sectors (state, private, public, non-governmental, institutions and careers in the field, educational background, knowledge and skills).

2. National environmental policy (background, principles, importance, problems, comparison with sectorial policies, with international documents - Agenda 21, EU members)

3. Project management in environmental sector (various types of projects, scientific and practical projects, expertise, implementation of results, assessment of implementation)

4. Environmental impact assessment - EIA (general framework of the process and documents, national and international aspects, participating institutions and groups, methods and techniques, examples of EIS, comparison with other countries, SEA)

5. Environmental audit (history, legal and practical background, methods and aims, importance, EMAS, ISO 14000 a ISO 9000, examples of audit documents)

6. Monitoring (environmental monitoring programmes, preparations, management, types, use of monitoring networks, importance for decision making, public, science, methods and examples)

7. Scientific methods in environmental protection (scientific research, institutions, results, hypothesis, theory, paradigm, solution of scientific problems, pollution limits, uncertainties, "scientometry", grant systems etc.)

8. Publishing environmental information (scientific, popular, technical, information, journals, books, CC, SCI, newspapers and magazines, pressure group newsletters, posters, TV, radio, campaigns, oral presentations, reviews, defence, discussion, how to prepare and where to find a good information about the environment).

9. General discussion

10. Presentation of a team work (Students are divided into teams of 4-5. Each group selects a topic. Paper and oral presentation is required from each group).

11. Evaluation: Quality of paper, form of presentation, activity in discussions and presence.

Last update: Hovorka Marek (26.04.2002)
Entry requirements - Czech

Pro zapsání kurzu je nuté absolutorium bakalářského studia.

Last update: Křenová Zdeňka, RNDr. Bc., Ph.D. (22.09.2022)
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