The lecture is focused on advanced methods of computer processing of spatially bound information using GIS, DPZ, GPS, statistical programs and modeling tools for solving dynamic models of material and energy flows. For students of natural sciences, it is a basic subject, which is followed by other thematically focused elective lectures, exercises and seminars. The presentation of individual approaches to data processing is based on methodological materials of ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute) and specialist foreign literature. The lecture is conducted in the form of a presentation of individual methods with computer demonstrations of selected tasks, which are further processed by students as part of exercises. The lecture and exercise are also available in the MOODLE system to support face-to-face and distance learning through online courses available on the WWW (lecture and exercise are offered in Czech or English).
Last update: Matějíček Luboš, Ing., Ph.D. (14.03.2024)
Mitchell, A. The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis. ESRI, Redlands, 1999. Zeiler, M. Modeling Our World. The ESRI Guide to Geodatabase Design. ESRI, Redlands, 1999. Goodchild, M. GIS and Environmental Modeling: Progress and Research Issues. John Wiley&Sons, New York, 1996. Aronoff, S. Remote Sensing for GIS Managers. ESRI, Redlands, 2005. Cooke, D. Fun with GPS. ESRI, Redlands, 2005. Last update: Matějíček Luboš, Ing., Ph.D. (14.03.2024)
Subject MO550P83E Environmental Informatics is taught in attendance form or, in justifiable cases, by distance learning. Presentations of lectures and demo exercises are available on MOODLE https://dl2.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=1688 in PDF format. To be awarded credit, demo tasks must be completed and, in case of absence from the exercise, the required results must be submitted for review in MOODLE by the end of the grading period. The task is completed when you get more than 50 points in the range of 0 to 100. The recommended submission deadline is the next exercise. The final classification will be based on your report on the selected scientific paper, which you will choose and prepare according to the attached template. The topic of the selected scientific paper should be related to environmental informatics and your research background. The template and examples of already submitted reports are available in MOODLE. Last update: Matějíček Luboš, Ing., Ph.D. (14.03.2024)
1. Basic data formats focused on raster data, vector data, irregular triangulated networks and attributes of spatial objects in relation to living environment. Last update: Matějíček Luboš, Ing., Ph.D. (14.03.2024)