Metals and metalloids in TRI (U.S. EPA) PRI (Canada, UK) databases, the proportion of their determination in the total number of toxic compounds in the environment. Efficiency and planning of experiment, classical x factor ordering, basic analysis of factor experiment. Effect of individual analysis steps on accuracy and correctness of obtained results. Contamination in trace analysis. Sampling and storage of water, air, biological, sediment and soil samples. Sample preparation and processing for direct analysis, speciation, determination of bioavailable pollutant component. Current methods of instrumental analysis of elements, detection limits, suitability of methods for individual cases, examples of specific solutions.
Last update: Tátosová Jolana, RNDr., Ph.D. (24.10.2019)
L.Davies, Efficiency in Research, Development and Production: The statistical desing and analysis of chemical experiment, RSC 1993, ISBN 0-85186-137-7 E.Merian, Metals and Their Compounds in the Environment, VCH 1991, Weinheim, ISBN 3-527-26521-X W.Salomons, U.Forstner, P.Mader, Heavy metals, Springer 1995, Berlín, ISBN 3-540-58508-7 B.Markert, Plants as Biomonitors, VCH 1993 Weiheim, ISBN 3-527-30001-5 B.Welz, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, VCH 1985 Weinheim, ISBN 3-527-26193-1 A.Montaser and D.W.Golightly, Inductively Coupled Plasmas in Analytical Spectrometry, VCH 1992, ISBN 1-56081-514-0 B.J.Alloway, Heavy Metals in Soils, Blackie Academic&Professional, Chapman&Hall Publ. 1995, London E.Prichard et all, Trace Analysis: A structured approach to obtaining reliable results, RCS 1996, ISBN 0-85404-417-5 Last update: Tátosová Jolana, RNDr., Ph.D. (24.10.2019)
V přednášce se podrobně probírají jednotlivé kroky enviromentální analýzy, které mají vliv na nejistotu celého analytického postupu. Při ústní zkoušce student pak navrhne celkový postup environmentální analýzy, který jednotlivé kroky analýzy zahrnuje. Požadavkem při zkoušce je tedy provést syntézu jednotlivých kroků do jednoho postupu s diskusí odhadované nejistoty environmentální analýzy. Last update: Hovorka Jan, RNDr., Ph.D. (13.03.2024)
Metals/metalloids in databases TRI, PRI, NPRI.
Efficiency and planning of an experiment. Classical versus factorial design of an experiment. Basics of the Yates table data analysis.
The individual analytical steps and their influence on the accuracy and precision of the analytical results
The contamination in trace analysis
Sampling and storage of samples of various nature: air, aerosols, biological matter, sediments, soils
Sample preparation and decomposition, speciation, pollutant bioavailability
Present instrumental analytical techniques for trace analysis, their limitations and advantages, application examples
Basic methods of data analysis, statistics of small data sets.
References L.Davies, Efficiency in Research, Development and Production: The statistical design and analysis of chemical experiment, RSC 1993, ISBN 0-85186-137-7 E.Merian, Metals and Their Compounds in the Environment, VCH 1991, Weinheim, ISBN 3-527-26521-X W.Salomons, U.Forstner, P.Mader, Heavy metals, Springer 1995, Berlín, ISBN 3-540-58508-7 B.Markert, Plants as Biomonitors, VCH 1993 Weiheim, ISBN 3-527-30001-5 B.Welz, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, VCH 1985 Weinheim, ISBN 3-527-26193-1 A.Montaser and D.W.Golightly, Inductively Coupled Plasmas in Analytical Spectrometry, VCH 1992, ISBN 1-56081-514-0 B.J.Alloway, Heavy Metals in Soils, Blackie Academic&Professional, Chapman&Hall Publ. 1995, London E.Prichard et all, Trace Analysis: A structured approach to obtaining reliable results, RCS 1996, ISBN 0-85404-417-5 Last update: Tátosová Jolana, RNDr., Ph.D. (17.04.2018)