SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Introduction to applied geophysics - MG452P11
Title: Úvod do užité geofyziky
Czech title: Úvod do užité geofyziky
Guaranteed by: Institute of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied Geophysics (31-450)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2024
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 5
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:3/1, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Explanation: Aktuální informace a materiály k dispozici na Google ClassroomVýuka probíhá s ohledem na situaci dle nařízení hyg. stanice hl.m. Prahy a MŠMT
Additional information:
Note: enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: Mgr. Jan Valenta, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): PhDr. RNDr. Jiří Dohnal
Mgr. Jan Valenta, Ph.D.
Incompatibility : MG452P11E
Is incompatible with: MG452P11E
Annotation -
Relation between the applied geophysics and the other natural sciences, its history and branches. Physical properties of the rocks. Gravity, magnetic, geoelectrical and seismic methods, radiometric methods and methods of nuclear geophysics, geophysical well logging - physical principles, particular methods, interpretation processes, forward and inverse problems, geophysical maps. Applications of geophysical methods to solving problems in geology, hydrogeology, engineering geology, archaeology and environmental geology.

Last update: DATEL (30.04.2002)
Literature - Czech

Gruntorád, J., ed. (1985): Principy metod užité geofyziky (Principles of Applied Geophysics Methods), SNTL, Prague.
Brooks, M. (1991): An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration, Oxford, Blackwel Sci, Publ.
Mareš, S., ed. (1984): Introduction to Applied Geophysics, SNTL, Prague.
Mareš, S., ed. 1990: Úvod do užité geofyziky, SNTL, Praha,
Musset, A.E. and Khan, M.A. (2000): Looking into the Earth: An Introduction to Geological Geophysics, Cambridge University Press.
Robinson, E.S. and Coruh, C. (1988): Basic Exploration Geophysics, New York, John Viley and Sons.

Last update: Valenta Jan, Mgr., Ph.D. (02.11.2016)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

zápočet: v případě prezenční výuky přítomnost na cvičeních, odevzdání protokolů (správně vyřešenách) a zadané projektové práce
zkouška: písemná, okruh témat viz. otázky ke zkoušce


V případě distanční výuky odpadá požadavek na povinnou přítomnost na cvičeních, ostatní požadavky zůstávají (tedy správně vypracované odevzdané protokoly a odevzdaná projektová práce na zápočet; písemná zkouška).

Last update: Valenta Jan, Mgr., Ph.D. (24.09.2020)
Syllabus -


Relation between the applied geophysics and the others natural sciences, its history and branches. Physical properties of the rocks.

Gravimetric methods: Rock densities, gravity field of the Earth, gravimeters, interpretation of gravimetric anomalies. The application of gravimetric methods.

Magnetometric methods: Earth's magnetic field, magnetic susceptibility and induced magnetization, natural remanent magnetization, palaeomagnetic investigations, interpretation of magnetic anomalies. Examples of magnetometric methods' using.

Geoelectrical methods: Electric properties of rocks, principle of D.C. methods, electrochemical and electromagnetic methods, magnetotelluric methods. The application of geoelectrical methods.

Radiometric methods and methods of nuclear geophysics: Nuclear radiation, the law of radioactive decay, radioactivity units, gamma-ray method, gamma-ray spektrometry, emanometry, the gamma-gamma method, the X-ray fluorescence method, the neutron-neutron method. The application of radiometric methods.

Seismic methods: Principles of the elastic waves theory, the law of Snell, the law of superposition, principles of Huyghens-Fresnel and Fermat, reflection method, refraction method. The application of seismic methods.

Geophysical well logging: Borehole effect on the measured parameters, logging equipment, electrical logging methods, nuclear logging methods, methods applied to the determination of geometric parameters of well, temperature logging, photometry. The application of logging methods.

Use of geophysical methods.

Exercise: Typical tasks of the data processing and results' interpretation in selected geophysical methods. Qualitative and quantitative interpretation of geophysical data. Geophysical survey - strategy, complexity, stages and efficiency. "Miniproject" of geophysical survey within the frame of solving selected geological (hydro-geological, environmental, archaeological?) problem.

Last update: DATEL (19.05.2005)
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