BURCH, T. K. Demography in a new key: A theory of population theory. Demographic research, 2003, vol. 9., article 11, s. 263-284. BURCH, T. K. Data, Models, Theory and Reality: The structure of Demographic Knowledge, in Agent-Based Computational Demography: Using Simulation to Improve Our Understanding of Demographic Behaviour. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, 2003, s. 19-41 COLEMAN, D., SCHOFIELD, R. (eds.). The state of population theory: Forward from Malthus. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986. ISBN-13: 978-0631160946 DE BRUIJN, B. J. Foundation of Demographic Theory: choise, process, kontext. Groningen: Univerzita Groningen, 1999, Doctoral theis. FAJKUS, B. Filosofie a metodologie vědy: Vývoj, současnost a perspektivy. Praha: Academica, 2005. 339 s., ISBN 80-200-1304-0. McMAHAN, J. Problems of Population Theory. Ethic, 1981, vol. 92, no. 1, Special Issue on Rights (Oct., 1981), s. 96-127. OBERMEYER, C. M. Qualitative methods: A Key to a Better Understanding of Demographic Behavior? Population and Development Review, 1997, vol. 23, no. 4., s. 813-818. OCHRANA, F. Metodologie vědy: Úvod do problému, Praha: Karolinum. 2009, 158 s., ISBN 9788024616094. PAVLÍK, Z. The theory of demographic revolution. European Demographic Information Bulletin, ECPS, The Hague 1980. PAVLÍK, Z. (ed.). Position of Demography Among Other Disciplines, Praha: KDGD, PřF UK, 2000. POSTON, D. L; MICKLIN, M. Handbook of Population. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher, 2005, 918 s., ISBN 0-306-47768-8. STYCOS, M. J. Demography as an Interdiscipline. Sociological Forum, 1987, vol. 2, no. 4, Special Issue: Demography as an Interdiscipline. (Autumn, 1987), pp. 616-618. XIE, Y. 2000. Demography: Past, Present, and Future. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2000, vol. 95, no. 450, s. 670-673.
Last update: Kurtinová Olga, RNDr. Mgr., Ph.D. (13.02.2020)
Povinná literatura: BURCH, T. K. Demography in a new key: A theory of population theory. Demographic research, 2003, vol. 9., article 11, s. 263-284. BURCH, T. K. Data, Models, Theory and Reality: The structure of Demographic Knowledge, in Agent-Based Computational Demography: Using Simulation to Improve Our Understanding of Demographic Behaviour. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, 2003, s. 19-41 COLEMAN, D., SCHOFIELD, R. (eds.). The state of population theory: Forward from Malthus. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986. ISBN-13: 978-0631160946 DE BRUIJN, B. J. Foundation of Demographic Theory: choise, process, kontext. Groningen: Univerzita Groningen, 1999, Doctoral theis. FAJKUS, B. Filosofie a metodologie vědy: Vývoj, současnost a perspektivy. Praha: Academica, 2005. 339 s., ISBN 80-200-1304-0. McMAHAN, J. Problems of Population Theory. Ethic, 1981, vol. 92, no. 1, Special Issue on Rights (Oct., 1981), s. 96-127. OBERMEYER, C. M. Qualitative methods: A Key to a Better Understanding of Demographic Behavior? Population and Development Review, 1997, vol. 23, no. 4., s. 813-818. OCHRANA, F. Metodologie vědy: Úvod do problému, Praha: Karolinum. 2009, 158 s., ISBN 9788024616094. PAVLÍK, Z. The theory of demographic revolution. European Demographic Information Bulletin, ECPS, The Hague 1980. PAVLÍK, Z. (ed.). Position of Demography Among Other Disciplines, Praha: KDGD, PřF UK, 2000. POSTON, D. L; MICKLIN, M. Handbook of Population. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher, 2005, 918 s., ISBN 0-306-47768-8. STYCOS, M. J. Demography as an Interdiscipline. Sociological Forum, 1987, vol. 2, no. 4, Special Issue: Demography as an Interdiscipline. (Autumn, 1987), pp. 616-618. XIE, Y. 2000. Demography: Past, Present, and Future. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2000, vol. 95, no. 450, s. 670-673.
Last update: Kurtinová Olga, RNDr. Mgr., Ph.D. (13.02.2020)