SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Didactics of general chemistry - MC280P01
Title: Didaktika obecné chemie
Czech title: Didaktika obecné chemie
Guaranteed by: Department of Chemistry Education (31-280)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2024
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Note: enabled for web enrollment
priority enrollment if the course is part of the study plan
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Hana Čtrnáctová, CSc.
RNDr. Eva Stratilová Urválková, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): prof. RNDr. Hana Čtrnáctová, CSc.
RNDr. Eva Stratilová Urválková, Ph.D.
Annotation -
The course is intended for first year students of the MSc chemistry teaching programme in both double and single majors. The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the planning of teaching in general (curriculum documents), with different ways of approaching the teaching of general chemistry, to acquire didactic skills in the controlled process of learning chemistry. The organization of the course is implemented as a three-hour block of lectures and exercises, where theoretical parts and practical ones are changed regarding on the aim of the lesson. Students have several opprtunities for their own activities, discussion, reflection. The course is an important preparation for teaching practice in the following semester, as students prepare a small or large demonstration of a lesson on a chosen topic.
(The lessons are conducted in full-time attendance; in case students are unable to attend or are prevented from attending full-time, the course will be conducted during an online meeting to be arranged with the instructor.)
Last update: Stratilová Urválková Eva, RNDr., Ph.D. (25.09.2024)
Literature -

Rámcový vzdělávací program pro základní vzdělávání, 2021, 2023, návrh revize 2024.

Rámcový vzdělávací program pro gymnázia, 2023.

Rámcové vzdělávací programy pro střední odborné školy. MŠMT ČR, Praha 2023.

P. Ginnis: Efektivní výukové nástroje pro učitele

G. Petty: Moderní vyučování. Portál: Praha, 1996.

R. Čapek: Moderní didaktika

T. Gordon: Výchova bez poražených, Škola bez poražených.

Š. Miková: Nejsou stejné, Milovat nestačí.

D. Wiliam, S. Leahyová: Zavádění formativního hodnocení

Čtrnáctová, H.: Učební úlohy v chemii. Karolinum, Praha 1998.

Katolog požadavků ke společné části maturitní zkoušky z chemie. MŠMT ČR, Praha 2000.

Sbírka úloh ke společné části maturitní zkoušky z chemie. Tauris, Praha 2001.

Učebnice, pracovní sešity a sbírky úloh z chemie pro gymnázia a střední odborné školy.

Last update: Stratilová Urválková Eva, RNDr., Ph.D. (25.09.2024)
Requirements to the exam -

70% on site presence, passing two tests with at least 60% success, activity in class.

Completion of assignments, submission in Moodle classroom.


Theoretical part: knowledge of basic didactic topics according to the syllabus of the course.

Practical part: preparation of a lesson on general chemistry for upper secondary schools (scheme + accompanying resources) - discussion and answering the teacher's questions; didactic test with at least 10 questions on the prepared topic.

Last update: Stratilová Urválková Eva, RNDr., Ph.D. (25.09.2024)
Syllabus -

1. Introduction, requirements; Role of the chemistry teacher, Competence framework for graduate teachers

2. Basic pedagogical documents for teaching chemistry, RVP ZV x RVP G x RVP SOŠ, ŠVP, curriculum, development of a thematic plan for teaching general chemistry

3. Non-material didactic tools - cognitive learningn objectives

4. Material didactic tools - chemistry textbooks

5. History of chemistry teaching in the Czech Republic.

6. Selection and arrangement of the general chemistry curriculum

7. Non-material didactic tools - methods and forms of teaching general chemistry

8. Didactic transformation of the topic of chemical calculations

9. Inquiry-based science education

10. Teaching tasks - creation and use in teaching general chemistry; Methods of assessment and classification in teaching general chemistry

11. Chemistry education - onsite visit and analysis, invited lectures/workshops

Last update: Stratilová Urválková Eva, RNDr., Ph.D. (27.09.2024)
Learning outcomes -

By completing the course, the student ideally fulfils the following learning outcomes.

Defines the key competencies of a chemistry teacher and their importance for effective teaching, including pedagogical, didactic and emotional aspects.

Discusses with classmates the various roles of the teacher.

Evaluates the competency framework of a graduate teacher.

Creates a plan for developing personal teaching skills, including self-assessment and goals for professional growth in the area of chemistry didactics.

Analyzes the RVP (and selected SSPs) in relation to the core competencies, the objectives of the whole educational area of Man and Nature, the expected outcomes and the curriculum.

Discusses with classmates the possibilities of developing a school curriculum.

Creates a model curriculum for the Human and Nature curriculum area (Primary School x G).

Creates a thematic plan for teaching topics in general chemistry at the elementary and middle school levels.

Comments on the strengths and weaknesses of the developed thematic plan.

Explains what the learning objectives are and why they are important for teaching, including their role in lesson planning and assessing pupils' progress.

Distinguishes cognitive objectives by different types of knowledge (factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive) and levels according to Bloom's revised taxonomy.

Distinguishes cognitive goals from affective and psychomotor goals.

Discusses examples of learning objectives in the context of chemistry that cover different levels of learning and skills.

Establishes cognitive objectives for examples of chemistry learning at different levels, creating learning objectives of progressively increasing difficulty.

Defines the key components of effective teaching.

Analyzes teacher preparation and its impact on the quality of instruction.

Suggests a structure of preparation for a specific chemistry lesson.

Explains the specifics of teaching chemistry compared to other subjects.

Analyzes different methods of teaching chemistry and their effectiveness.

Suggests innovative approaches to teaching chemistry.

Defines milestones in the development of chemistry teaching from historical to contemporary approaches.

Analyzes the impact of historical events on contemporary chemistry teaching.

Compares and evaluates how methods and approaches to teaching chemistry have changed.

Identifies the key components of a chemistry textbook and their functions, such as chapter structure, illustrations, and examples, and explains how these elements contribute to the understanding of chemical concepts.

Analyzes different types of chemistry textbooks (e.g., traditional vs. interactive) and assesses their advantages and disadvantages in the context of different learning styles and student needs.

Designs a concept for a custom chemistry textbook or a section of a textbook that incorporates innovative elements (e.g., multimedia content, experimental tasks) and meets the specific needs of the target learner group.

List the types of models and how models can be used in chemistry education.

Compare (advantages x disadvantages) and explain the types of models used in chemistry education.

Uses different types of models and suggests general chemistry topics appropriate for their inclusion.

Explains the difference between form and method of teaching.

Defines and characterizes typical features for different forms of chemistry instruction.

Explains different teaching methods using a specific example from chemistry.

Compares teaching methods in terms of their use for different levels of student learning.

Suggests three different methods for the motivational, exposure, fixation and reflective phases of the lesson.

Explain the concept of inquiry-based science education, distinguish between different levels of inquiry-based science education.

Analyse and discuss examples of inquiry-based activities.

Design an example of an inquiry activity for a topic in general chemistry.

Analyzes problematic topics in general chemistry education.

Explains at least 5 didactic principles.

Analyses the way in which theoretical concepts in general chemistry are presented using the examples of teaching units presented. Evaluates which didactic principles are respected in the preparation of the teaching unit. Suggests alternative ways of teaching a given topic in a way that respects other didactic principles.

Discusses the appropriateness of particular didactic principles depending on the age of the pupils, the focus of the pupils, the topic of the lesson.

Proposes a concept for a learning activity on a selected general chemistry topic, respecting the specificities for teaching chemistry.

Appropriately didactically transforms problematic topics in general chemistry, using several material resources.

In designing a teaching unit, it proposes activities developing several key competences.

Includes application tasks when constructing a teaching unit, illustrating chemical phenomena in everyday life manifestations.

Includes an appropriate chemistry experiment or hands-on activity when designing a unit.

Distinguishes and recognizes different types of learning tasks.

Explains the function of different types of tasks in developing students' cognitive skills.

Compare different learning tasks and evaluate their effectiveness in teaching chemical concepts.

Design learning tasks appropriate for teaching topics in general chemistry.

Recognise the importance of learning tasks for active involvement of pupils in the teaching of general chemistry.

List the basic types of assessment (formative x summative; inadvertent x targeted, etc.) and give examples of their use in teaching general chemistry.

Explain how formative assessment supports ongoing learning and improvement of students' skills in chemistry.

Last update: Stratilová Urválková Eva, RNDr., Ph.D. (26.09.2024)
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