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Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Attendanting teaching school practice in chemistry - MC280C08
Title: Pedagogická praxe náslechová z chemie
Czech title: Pedagogická praxe náslechová z chemie
Guaranteed by: Department of Chemistry Education (31-280)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2021
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/1, C [HT]
Extent per academic year: 1 [weeks]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Guarantor: RNDr. Eva Stratilová Urválková, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): RNDr. Eva Stratilová Urválková, Ph.D.
Incompatibility : MC280C07
Annotation -
Inspecting pedagogical practice is primarily intended for students of chemistry teaching (single-subject, double-subject). The aim is to gain an insight into the real practice of the teaching profession and to gain awareness of the chosen profession.
The practice takes place for one week at secondary school in the form of observations in chemistry lessons.

Last update: Stratilová Urválková Eva, RNDr., Ph.D. (25.10.2019)
Literature -

FONTANA, D. (2003). Psychologie ve školní praxi. Příručka pro učitele. Praha: Portál.

GANAJOVÁ, M. a kol. (2021). Formatívne hodnotenie vo výučbe prírodných vied, matematiky a informatiky. Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika.

GILBERT, I. (2013). Essential Motivation in the Classroom. New York: Routledge.

KARNSOVÁ, M. (1995). Jak budovat dobrý vztah mezi učitelem a žákem. Praha: Portál.

KOLÁŘ, Z., ŠIKULOVÁ, R. (2009). Hodnocení žáků. Praha: Grada Publishing, a. s.

KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ (2020). Příprava, organizace a realizace pedagogických praxí na Přírodovědecké fakultě Univerzity Karlovy. Praha: PřF UK.

KOPŘIVA, P. a kol. (2008). Respektovat a být respektován. Kroměříž: Spirála.

KREJČOVÁ, L. (2013). Žáci potřebují přemýšlet. Co pro to mohou udělat jejich učitelé. Praha: Portál.

PETTY, G. (1996). Moderní vyučování. Praha: Portál.

SIEGLOVÁ, D. (2019). Konec školní nudy. Didaktické metody pro 21. století. Praha: Grada Publishing, a. s.

SITNÁ, D. (2013). Metody aktivního vyučování. Spolupráce žáků ve skupinách. Praha: Portál. 

VALIŠOVÁ, A., KOVAŘÍKOVÁ, M. (2021). Obecná didaktika. Praha: Grada Publishing, a. s.

Last update: Stratilová Urválková Eva, RNDr., Ph.D. (30.09.2024)
Requirements to the exam -

Requirements to gain the credits:

- three inspected chemistry lessons with colleagues and guarantee at the chosen school (before practice)

- presence at organizational meeting (before own practice)

- deliver forms A and B (for the whole group of students)

- observe 10 chemistry lesson and make notes from the observation

- a written description of 10 observed lessons

- personal reflection of the practice (1/2 page A4)

Last update: Stratilová Urválková Eva, RNDr., Ph.D. (25.10.2019)
Syllabus -

The observing teaching practice consists of three parts: before and after the practice students have a meeting with the supervisor of the practice for chemistry and the core part of the course consists of visiting the chemistry classes at the selected faculty school. These tutorials take place in groups (4-5 students together) with one or more chemistry teachers at the school.

Students' activities at the faculty school: students hospitalize in chemistry classes and then conduct a lesson analysis with the faculty teacher, where they consult individual steps or phenomena of the lesson based on the notes of the lesson observation.

The record of the hospitalization, the record must include: the header (name of the student, subject, school, name of the faculty teacher, class, date); the topic; the objective of the lesson; the organizational form(s); the course and organization of the lesson (professional content of the lesson, activities of the students, activities of the teacher); the evaluation of the lesson (work and activities of the students, the teacher, the fulfillment of the objective of the lesson, own comments on the activity of the students and the creativity of the teacher).

The meeting with the supervisor of the practice, which precedes and follows the actual hospitalizations at the faculty school, provides space first for a joint discussion of what phenomena the students should observe during the auditions, and after the practice they again discuss their observations, impressions, tips and objections. Reflection on the teaching practice, even if it is a listening practice, is an important part and preparation for the actual teaching practice in the following academic year.


In the event of an emergency during the course of study, it is possible to take video tutorials in chemistry classes or otherwise complete the practicum. However, students must always make arrangements with the practicum supervisor.

Last update: Stratilová Urválková Eva, RNDr., Ph.D. (30.09.2024)
Learning outcomes -
  • Students list key concepts and terminology related to effective chemistry teaching practices.
  • Students identify the objectives and organizational forms of the observed lessons.
  • Students  describe the different teaching methods observed during the chemistry classes.
  • Students  explain the importance of lesson objectives in guiding classroom activities.
  • Students demonstrate how to implement a specific teaching strategy observed in class during their own lesson planning.
  • Students feedback from their supervisor to improve their lesson analysis.
  • Students to compare different teaching approaches used by faculty teachers and discuss their effectiveness.
  • Students analyze student engagement during lessons and identify factors that contribute to successful learning experiences.
  • Students assess the effectiveness of a lesson based on student participation and achievement of learning objectives.
  • Students justify their evaluations of teaching practices by referencing specific observations and educational theories.
  • Students design a comprehensive lesson plan that incorporates effective strategies learned from their observations.
  • Students develop innovative instructional materials that enhance student understanding of complex chemistry concepts.
Last update: Stratilová Urválková Eva, RNDr., Ph.D. (30.09.2024)
Entry requirements -

Students introduce key concepts and terminology related to effective chemistry teaching practices.
Students identify the objectives and organizational forms of observed lessons.
Students describe various teaching methods observed in chemistry classes.
Students explain the importance of lesson objectives in guiding classroom activities.
Students demonstrate how they apply a specific teaching strategy observed in class when planning their own lesson.
Students receive feedback from the accompanying teacher to improve their analysis of the lesson.
Students compare different instructional approaches used by faculty teachers and discuss their effectiveness.
Students analyze student engagement during the lesson and identify factors that contribute to a successful lesson.
Students evaluate the effectiveness of a lesson based on student participation and achievement of instructional objectives.
Students justify their evaluation of instructional practices with reference to specific observations and educational theories.
Students design a comprehensive lesson plan that incorporates effective strategies derived from observations.
Students create innovative instructional materials that improve student understanding of complex chemistry concepts.

Last update: Stratilová Urválková Eva, RNDr., Ph.D. (30.09.2024)
Registration requirements - Czech

Předmět si zapíší všichni studenti bakalářských studijních oborů Chemie se zaměřením na vzdělávání (maior a minor).

Last update: Stratilová Urválková Eva, RNDr., Ph.D. (10.02.2021)
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