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Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Management in Chemistry - MC260P73
Title: Management a podnikání v chemii
Czech title: Management a podnikání v chemii
Guaranteed by: Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry (31-260)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2023
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
Capacity: 30
Min. number of students: 3
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Note: enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: RNDr. Dr. Michal Svoboda, CSc.
Opinion survey results   Examination dates   Schedule   
Files Comments Added by
download 2017_02_20a_vyuka_UK_sylabus_2017.pdf Annotation 2017 RNDr. Dr. Michal Svoboda, CSc.
download 2018_02_20_vyuka_UK_sylabus_2018.pdf Sylabus 2018 RNDr. Dr. Michal Svoboda, CSc.
Annotation -

Entrepreneurship (from the French “entreprendre”, i.e. “to undertake, to take the initiative“) is frequently reduced just to launching a business and running it. However, the entrepreneurial spirit – the willingness and capability to take initiative in whatever life department – is a key competence, which influences both the work and private life.
This lecture provides both an overview of the basic elements and a broader context of entrepreneurship in its true sense. The lecture builds upon interactive approach and group activities to exemplify all the various aspects of entrepreneurship, be it related to launching and running a company or a non-profit organisation, or just filing a grant application or organising a group of volunteers.
The knowledge gained will help the students to better communicate and cooperate with businesses, to prepare a grant application, or to commercialise the research results, both during their study and during their academic career.
The knowledge gained also helps the students to better understand the business environment should they be employed for a for-profit entity or should they wish to launch their own business or a non-profit.


The evaluation is based upon active participation during the entire term and successful presentation of a student project.


6 blocs of lectures and practice, each consisting of 4 lessons, once in a fortnight. Presence and active participation in the lessons is expected due to the interactive form of work.


The lecture is in Czech, but at least a basic knowledge of English is needed to work with some study materials.
Last update: Svoboda Michal, RNDr. Dr., CSc. (14.06.2019)
Literature - Czech
  1. Seznam doporučené literatury


Hlavní prameny


Prezentace k přednášeným tématům – na sdíleném disku kurzu, jsou zveřejňovány vždy PO přednášce


Vzory, prezentace a doklady třetích stran – na sdíleném disku kurzu, adresa je poskytnuta studentům na začátku semestru


Studijní materiály k úlohám - na sdíleném disku kurzu, jsou zveřejňovány po přednášce


Ostatní zdroje a více podrobností k tématu, referenční zdroje


Chris Guillebeau: Startup za pakatel, Jan Melvil Publishing, 2013 (česky, úvod do podnikání)


Eliza G.G. Collins, Mary Ann Devanna: The Portable MBA, John Wiley & Sons, 1990 (anglicky, pokročilý kurz, obecná příručka)


Clayton M. Christensen, Michael E. Raynor: The Innovator‘s Solution, Harvard Business School Press, 2003, (anglicky, problematika inovací)


Joel G. Siegel, Jae K. Shin: Thinking Finance, Harper Business, div. of HarperCollins Publishers, 1990, (anglicky, finance a finanční řízení)


Lawrence Weinstein, John A. Adam: Guesstimation: Solving the World‘s Problems on the Back of a Napkin, Princeton University Press, 2007 (anglicky, metody kvalifikovaného odhadu)


Douglas W. Hubbard: How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of Intangibles in Business, Wiley, 2013 (kvalifikovaný odhad a měření „neměřitelného“ v podnikání, mnohé koncepty jsou ale přímo aplikovatelné i na měření ve vědě)


Douglas W. Hubbard: How to Measure Anything Workbook: Finding the Value of "Intangibles" in Business, Wiley, 2014 (anglicky, cvičebnice a sbírka příkladů)


Last update: Svoboda Michal, RNDr. Dr., CSc. (14.06.2019)
Requirements to the exam -
  1. Requirements


1 – Active participation in lectures, individual tasks

2 – Semestral project (Elevator Pitch), the following will be evaluated

presentation, quality (3 to 5 slides, 5 minutes max)

supporting information (ca 1 – 3 pages exemplifying data used in the presentation)

flaws and errors in calculations (market estimation, project budget)

3 – Test case during exam – correctness of the results and presentation of the results

4 – Discussion during presentations – questions asked and answers given to colleagues


Last update: Svoboda Michal, RNDr. Dr., CSc. (14.06.2019)
Syllabus -


1.1Lecturer introduction

1.2Student introductions and expectations

1.3How we work and how we evaluate

1.4"eternal" truths

1.4.16 year's old – examples

1.5What is:

1.5.1Entrepreneurship – examples

1.5.2Management – examples

1.6Who is who

1.6.1Enterprise, establishment, owner

1.6.2For profit subjects

Self employment,

Companies – limited, joint- stock company, shareholders, directors, board of directors, supervisory board, CEO, board of trustees


schools, academia – founder(s),

association – committee, chairman

institute – board of directors, supervisory board, CEO, board of trustees

foundation – board of directors, supervisory board, CEO, board of trustees

1.6.4Information about an enterprise

company register – listing, collection of documents, financial reports, statutes, meetings, other

enterprise vs. owner – examples

company relationships, control

small, medium, large enterprise, conflict of interests

1.7Where - ring of fire” phenomenon

1.7.1Why and how in Czechia

1.7.2Why and how outside – EU, CH, USA

1.8"eternal" truths

1.8.1Good question

the answer is measurable and decreases uncertainty – parameters and the way to measure these

1.9Enterprise lifecycle


1.9.2Assessment – a lot of good question is needed




liquidation, sale, takeover



1.10.1From where

my own or 4F, investor, loan, crowdfunding, fundraising



„sunk costs“ vs. dividends, remuneration, salary, proceeds from sale

1.11"eternal" truth

1.11.1We are not accountants, we don’t need to count each penny – Guesstimation example

2Enterprise working

2.1Model of an enterprise (Porter)


2.2.1Value creating process (manufacture/service)

2.2.2Technology – purchase, leasing

2.2.3Facilities – purchase, rent, building

2.2.4Direct/indirect costs

2.2.5To own or to outsource?



raw materials, work force, entire process - outsourcing


distribution channels, B2C, B2B, B2G

free competition, public tenders, B2G


regulation, quality

pricing, price elasticity

manufacturing costs, distribution costs, market price, U-rule

washing powders 80/20, "PC" vs. Apple

2.4Sector characteristics

2.4.1Innovation cycle

2.4.2Investment cycles

2.4.3Business models

sales – direct, via distributors, brick and mortar shop, e-shop

material vs. immaterial goods

computer, car, SW – boxed vs. electronic licence

data, intellectual property, licence, franchise

goods as service

mobile phones – new iPhone every year

SW – Office 365, macOS, W10


employment as a product

social enterprise

2.5Company value

2.6Lean canvas

2.6.1Basic questions of the business idea

2.7Homework – video on financial reports – Baruch college

3Financial management and finance

3.1Where do the money come from and why should someone give it to you

3.1.1Own capital – shareholders, caravan model



4F, angels, funds, banks


3.1.4Fundraising – as old as the world


3.1.6Grants, donations


"Bad" money - "No strings attached" - "No free lunch"

3.2How to get the investment back – company valuation vs. how much dit it cost


3.3.1Balance sheet

3.3.2Profit and loss statement

3.3.3Cash flow

3.3.4Annual report

3.4Specific items

3.4.1Personal costs

3.4.2Tangible assets

3.4.3Intangible assets

SW, IP, Goodwill



3.4.6Work in progress

3.5Basic accounting concepts

3.5.1"Money conservation law"

3.5.2Direct vs. indirect costs

video vs. Czech chart of accounts

grant budget

3.6Tax system

3.6.1Tax domicile

3.6.2Income tax

private, company


3.6.4Property tax

property tax, property transfer tax

gift tax, inheritance tax

3.6.5Other taxes

road tax

3.6.6Fees, duties and contributions

broadcasting fees, copyright fees

social and health insurance


3.7Financial risks

3.7.1Currency risks

3.7.2Cash flow

3.7.3Price change

3.7.4Legislative changes

3.7.5Revenue office


4.1Idea – research – development – manufacture

4.1.1Needs/Requirement analysis

Problem to solve

4.1.2Risk analysis


personal, financial, market, technology risks

4.2Value chain

4.3Intellectual property (IP)

4.3.1What that is

4.3.2How it is created

4.3.3Who owns

4.3.4Where you find it

in the head, on paper, in the computer

4.3.5"Physical" protection

computer safety, careful implementation of IT

cloud storage - where: jurisdiction USA, EU, data protection upon transfer, GDPR

SW, SaaS – works only as long as I pay vs. „boxed“ = "lifelong" licence

Home and Hobby vs. Pro

Access management, Need-to-know, NDA with employees

4.3.6Legal protection

patent, design patent, trade mark – Patent and trademark office

Copyright – automatic, can’t be forfeited

Copyleft licence – non-profit use only or also for commercial use

GNU licence

5Human resources and personnel management

5.1Process vs. project

5.2Line, project, and matrix management

5.3Project management


5.3.2Critical path

5.4Coworkers, employees, HR companies

5.5Employee life cycle – situational management

5.6Team dynamics and team roles

5.7Company culture

Last update: Svoboda Michal, RNDr. Dr., CSc. (14.06.2019)
Entry requirements -

The lecture is in Czech, but at least a basic knowledge of English is needed to work with some study materials.

Last update: Svoboda Michal, RNDr. Dr., CSc. (14.06.2019)
Registration requirements -

Thre are no special requirements.

However, the lectures are highly interactive with many practice examples, thus taking part in the lessons is expected.

Last update: Svoboda Michal, RNDr. Dr., CSc. (14.06.2019)
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