Crystallography Basic - MC240P60
Title: Crystallography Basic
Czech title: Krystalografie Basic
Guaranteed by: Department of Inorganic Chemistry (31-240)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2023
Semester: both
E-Credits: 2
Hours per week, examination: 2/0, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Note: enabled for web enrollment
you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
Guarantor: doc. RNDr. David Havlíček, CSc.
Mgr. Martin Zábranský, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): doc. RNDr. David Havlíček, CSc.
Mgr. Martin Zábranský, Ph.D.
Opinion survey results   Examination dates   WS schedule   
Annotation -
The lecture is focused on the bases of crystallography and explanation of experimental methods realized both on single crystal and polycrystalline samples
Last update: Havlíček David, doc. RNDr., CSc. (30.10.2019)
Literature -

Loub Josef: Krystalová struktura, symetrie a rentgenová difrakce, Univerzita Karlova, Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, Praha 1986 (in Czech)

Th. Hahn (ed.): International Tables for Crystallography, Volume A, Fifth edition, The International Union of Crystallography, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London 2002 (or any later edition)

Last update: Havlíček David, doc. RNDr., CSc. (30.10.2019)
Requirements to the exam -

The examination is oral and it is necessary to answer two selected questions

Last update: Kubíček Vojtěch, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (10.11.2019)
Syllabus -

1)       Different ways of arrangement of building particles in solids (crystals, quasicrystals, nanocrystals, amorphous compounds, glasses, liquid crystals)

2)       Ideal crystal, lattice, lattice points, lattice parameters

3)       Crystal systems accordnig relative value of lattice parameters, Bravais cells

4)       Point symmetry, symmetry elements and operations, point groups

5)       Crystal lattice symmetry (elements and symmetry operations with translation, space groups)

6)       Interaction of X-rays with crystal

7)       Ewald construction

8)       Diffraction methods

9)       Powder diffraction and its use

10)     Single crystal diffraction methods and its use

11)     Crystal structure determination

Last update: Havlíček David, doc. RNDr., CSc. (30.10.2019)