Inorganic Chemistry for KATA - MC240P41
Title: Anorganická chemie pro KATA
Guaranteed by: Department of Inorganic Chemistry (31-240)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2016
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 5
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:3/2, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: cancelled
Language: Czech
Is provided by: MC240P40
Additional information:
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Jiří Mosinger, Ph.D.
Incompatibility : MC240P16A, MC240P16B, MC240P21A, MC240P21B, MC240P29, MC240P40
Interchangeability : MC240P40
Is incompatible with: MC240P16A, MC240P16B
Opinion survey results   Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
Atomic structure. Schrödinger equation. Chemical bond. Molecular orbital theory. Diagrams of molecular orbitals of diatomic and polyatomic molecules. Ionization energy and electronegativity. Hydrogen bonding and noncovalent interactions. Shapes of molecules. General relations between the elements in the periodic table. Systematic chemistry of elements and their compounds. Introduction in coordination chemistry.
Last update: AGNEMEC (22.04.2002)
Literature -

  • J. Klikorka, B. Hájek, J. Votinský: "Obecná a anorganická chemie", SNTL, Praha 1989

  • Z. Mička, D. Havlíček, I. Lukeš, J. Mosinger, P. Vojtíšek: "Základní pojmy, příklady a otázky z anorganické chemie". Karolinum, Praha 1998

  • I. Lukeš, Z. Mička: Anorganická chemie II, Karolinum, Praha 1998

  • F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson: "Anorganická chemie" (2. ed.), Academia, Praha 1973

  • B. Douglas, D. H. McDaniel: "Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry" (2. edition) John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York 1983

  • J. B.Russell: "General chemistry", McGraw Hill, New York 1992

    Last update: Kubíček Vojtěch, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (05.10.2013)
  • Requirements to the exam - Czech

    Ke zkoušce je požadován zápočet z předmětu, úspěšné absolvování písemného zkouškového testu (alespoň na 60% bodů) a ústní přezkoušení.

    Last update: MOSINGER/NATUR.CUNI.CZ (14.02.2012)
    Syllabus -

    1. Introduction. Research methods in Inorganic chemistry.
    2. The nuclei of atoms. Atomic and neutron number. Nuclide, isotope, isobar. Atomic weight constant. Binding energy of nuclei. Nuclear fusion. Radioactivity. Kinetics and half-life of decay.
    3. Atomic structure. The former and actual theories. The wave-mechanical description of atoms. Dualistic character of particles and light. The uncertainty principle. Schrödinger equation. Atomic orbitals. Quantum numbers.
    4. Structure of electron shell and periodicity. Pauli principle of explicity. Occupation of at. orbitals by electrons. Stoner rule. Shape of at. orbitals. Nodal surface. Construction principle. Hund rule. Atom multiplicity. Configuration of atoms and ions. Atom valence shell. Orbital energy. Ionization energy. Electron affinity. Periodic law. Periodic table. Periodicity of selected physical and chemical properties of elements. Electronegativity. Acidobasic properties of simple types of compounds.
    5. Chemical bond. Types of bonds. Dissociation energy. Molecular orbitals theory. Method of linear combination of at. orbitals. The principle of superposition of states. Shape of molecular orbitals. Molecular orbitals diagrams. Energy, length and order of the bond. Paramagnetism and diamagnetism of bimolecular molecules. Estimation of molecule geometry using a) hybridization model b) Valence shell electron pair repulsion model (VSEPR).
    6. Trends in periodic table. Second period and higher periods in periodic table. d-orbitals in chemical bonds. Dependence of size of atom on its chemical properties. The hydrogen bond. Posttransition and postlanthanide elements. Diagonal analogy.
    7. Hydrogen. Basic properties. Appearance and preparation. Types of hydrides.
    8. Noble gases. Chemical and physical properties. Appearance and using of nobel gases.
    9. – 14.  The elements of 1.– 7. main groups in periodic table. Appearance of the elements. Basic chemical and physical properties. Gradate properties of the group elements. Exception behavior of the elements from 2. period. Preparation of the elements and their using. Hydrides oxo-, and halogen compounds of the elements – preparation and properties.
    10. Chemical and physical properties of transition metals. Oxidation numbers. Acidobasic properties of oxides. Introduction to coordination chemistry. Chemical bond in coordination compounds. Donor atom. Types of ligands. Classification of coordination compounds. Chelates. Total and consecutive binding constants. Ligand field theory. Spectrochemical series. Application of Ligand field theory. Magnetic properties of complexes. Absorption electronic spectra of complexes. Spectral and complementary colors. Redox properties of complexes. The size of aquacations. Lanthanide and actinide metals- basic properties of elements. Lanthanide contraction.

    Last update: Kubíček Vojtěch, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (08.10.2013)