Spectral and Diffraction Methods - MC240P05
Title: Spectral and Diffraction Methods
Czech title: Spektrální a difrakční metody
Guaranteed by: Department of Inorganic Chemistry (31-240)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2024
Semester: summer
E-Credits: 3
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Note: enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: prof. RNDr. Ivan Němec, Ph.D.
Teacher(s): doc. RNDr. David Havlíček, CSc.
prof. RNDr. Jan Kotek, Ph.D.
prof. RNDr. Ivan Němec, Ph.D.
Incompatibility : MC240P27
Is incompatible with: MC240P27
Opinion survey results   Examination dates   SS schedule   
Annotation -
This course offer introduction to widely-used spectroscopic and diffraction methods – i.e. electron spectroscopy (UV-VIS), vibrational spectroscopy (IR, Raman) and X-ray diffraction. Determination of the structure of selected compounds and interactions in molecular assemblies by means of molecular spectroscopies are presented and discussed. Finally issues related to the determination of solid-state structure and phase composition by the method of X-ray diffraction on crystalline materials is presented.
Last update: Němec Ivan, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (04.02.2019)
Literature -

Schrader B., Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, VCH Publishers, Inc., New York 1995 

Milata V., Segla P., Brezova V. a kol., Aplikovana molekulova spektroskopia, STU v Bratislave, Bratislava 2008.

Stuart B., Infrared Spectroscopy: Fundamentals and Applications, Wiley, 2004.

Last update: Němec Ivan, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (04.02.2019)
Requirements to the exam -

Final examination is written test, which includes all topics presented within the course.

Last update: Němec Ivan, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (22.02.2024)
Syllabus -

Spectral and diffraction methods used for the structural study of compounds and supramolecular complexes - focused on instrumentation and practical applications

 The course is divided into the following parts:

1. Electron spectroscopy.

2. IR and Raman spectroscopies.

 - Energy levels and types of transitions, potential energy curves, oscillator models, molecular parameters, selection rules

- Infrared and Raman spectroscopy – basic theoretical principles, instrumentation and spectra collection

- Polyatomic particles vibrations, normal vibrations, number and types of vibrations, symmetry of vibrations, character tables, representations, vibrational spectra interpretations, characteristic group vibrations

- Vibrational spectroscopy of crystals, vibrational spectroscopy and allotropy and polymorphism studies

3. X-ray diffraction on single crystals and polycrystalline materials.

 - Symmetry of molecules, symmetry operations and elements, basic postulates of the group theory, point and space symmetry groups

Supporting files are available at: https://dl2.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=5890

Last update: Němec Ivan, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. (07.02.2025)