The laboratory course is aimed at providing practical experiences and a brief survey of principles and applications of physical methods used in inorganic chemistry.
The course is designed for Master and PhD students. Last update: Kubíček Vojtěch, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (13.05.2021)
Luerature is recommended by supervisors of selected exercises. Last update: Kubíček Vojtěch, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (26.10.2019)
Protocols of individual excercises are to be submitted to their leaders for inspection always within one week upon completing any excersize. After the completion of all excersises prescribed, their acepted and signed protocols have to be delivered to the course supervisor within three weeks. The classification of individual protocols will reflect not only the protocol quality, but also their timely submission.
In the case of timely protocol submission to the course supervisor, the final classification is calculated as the average of classifications achieved within all individual excerises. In case of later submission without proving a serious reason, the final classification is worsened by one degree with respect to the classification for a timely submission. Should the delay in submitting the protocols exceed two months for no serious reason, the final classification obtained from averaging the individual classifications will be worsened by two degrees. Last update: Gyepes Róbert, doc. RNDr., Dr., Ph.D. (28.10.2019)
This practical course consists of nine compulsory exercises and four further excersizes to be selected from a group. Compulsory exercises: Each student chooses four additional exercises from the below list. Venue dates are set individually after discussing with the exercise heads within one week following the introductory instruction. Last update: Kubíček Vojtěch, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (01.06.2021)