The course aims to provide theoretical insight into basics of electrochemistry and into commonly occurring modern electroanalytic techniques (conductometry, potentiometry, polarographic and voltammetric methods, amperometric and coulombic methods). Their utilization in inorganic and organic analysis will be emphasized. The lecture is taught in English, Erasmus students can participate.
Last update: Schwarzová Karolina, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (25.09.2024)
1) J. Wang, Analytical Electrochemistry, 3rd edition. Wiley, 2006 2) A.J. Bard and L.R. Faulkner, Electrochemical Methods, 2nd Ed., Wiley, 2001 3) R.G. Compton, C.E. Banks, Understanding Voltammetry, 2nd edition, Imperial College Press, 2011. 4) C.M.A. Brett, A.M.Oliveira Brett, Electrochemistry: Principles, methods and applications, Oxford Science Publications, 2000. Last update: Nesměrák Karel, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (22.05.2015)
The lecture is concluded by an oral exam, preferably in person. On-line oral exam is possible in case of serious objectives exluding personal attendance. Last update: Schwarzová Karolina, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (24.01.2022)
1) Review of the basics of electrochemistry (electrical properties, electrode and electrode processes - oxidation, reduction, electrical double layer, electrochemical cell - galvanic and electrolytic cell, electrolysis, two electrode and three electrode setup, indicator, auxiliary and reference electrodes, definition of electroanalytical methods and their classification). 2) Potentiometry (potential, voltage, Nernst equation, standard potential, potential measurements, pH electrodes and pH measurements, ion selective electrodes, potentiometric titrations). 3) Conductometry (electrolytical mobility, individual ionic conductivity, molar conductivity of electrolytes, Kohlrausch law, conductometric titrations). 4) Voltammetric methods (polarography and voltammetry - basic principles, instrumentation and methods. Ilkovic equation, diffusion, kinetic, catalytic and capacity currents, logarithmic analysis. Voltammetry in quiescent solutions - DC voltammetry, pulse techniques, adsorptive stripping techniques. Cyclic voltammetry. reversible and irreversible processes. Indicator electrodes - mercury-based and carbon-based, chemically modified electrodes. Hydrodynamic voltammetry - rotating disc electrode. 5) Amperometric and coulombic methods (principles of amperometry and coulometry, Faraday`s law, controlled potential and constant current coulometry, coulometric titration. Hyphenation of liquid-flow techniques with electrochemical detectors)
Last update: Schwarzová Karolina, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (04.03.2024)
After completing the course, the student will be able to: Prove orientation in the basics of electrochemistry, define electrical properties, electrode processes (oxidation, reduction), decscribe electric double layer, and electrochemical cells (galvanic and electrolytic cells, electrolysis). Explain the differencd in two- and three-electrodes setup, including the role of indicator, auxiliary and reference electrodes. Name basic electroanalytical methods and their classification. Explain the principle of potentiometry,write and explain Nernst equation. Describe potential measurement methods, pH measurement using pH electrodes and ion-selective electrodes. Explain principle of potentiometric detection in volumetric methods. Explain the principle of conductometry and explain terms electrolyte mobility, individual ionic conductivity and molar conductivity of electrolytes. Describe Kohlrausch's law and explain principle of conductometric titrations. Explain the principle of polarography and voltammetry, and describe instrumentation. Write the Ilkovich equation and explain the origin of individual types of currents (diffusion, kinetic, catalytic and capacitive). Describe voltammetric techniques such as DC voltammetry, pulse techniques, adsorptive stripping techniques and cyclic voltammetry and explain the difference between reversible and irreversible electrodes. Give examples on chemically modified electrodes. Explain the principles of amperometric and coulometric methods, define Faraday's law and explain coulometric techniques (controlled potential and constant current coulometry, coulometric titrations). Explain the principle of liquid flow techniques with electrochemical detection and give examples of their application in electroanalytical methods. Last update: Schwarzová Karolina, doc. RNDr., Ph.D. (25.09.2024)