The course develops the knowledge and skills acquired in the basic lecture Didactics of Biology and Natural History and in the Exercises in Didactics of Biology and Natural History. Students will get acquainted in detail with the principles and methods of project teaching and research-oriented teaching and other activating teaching methods, the principles of locally grounded learning and selected methods of critical thinking development. They will learn to apply the knowledge in a suitable way in the teaching of science subjects. They will try activity-oriented and research teaching in the presence and online way. They will also get acquainted with the possibilities of using project teaching in the teaching of interdisciplinary relationships, cross-sectional topics and in environmental education, as well as with suitable ways of evaluating school projects. They will get acquainted with examples of international programs (eg Globe and Eco-school), short-term, medium-term, long-term and school-wide projects and with the possibilities of cooperation with eco-centers and ecological education centers. During the course, students will design their own project, to which they will receive feedback and possibly try to implement it according to current modern trends in teaching. Students will also acquire competencies for distance and online teaching, digital competencies and competencies for practical experimental teaching. Current development of the subject, including materials, can be found by students in Google Classroom.
Last update: Chlebounová Irena, RNDr. (14.07.2023)
Andres R., Vrtiška J. (2018) Environmentální výchova v praxi: příručka pro MŠ, ZŠ, SŠ. Vlašim: Český svaz ochránců přírody Vlašim, 2018, 130 s. ISBN 978-80-87964-19-4 Andres R., ed., (2013) Praktická ochrana přírody ve výuce na školách: metodická příručka. Vlašim: ZO ČSOP Vlašim, 2013, 94 s. ISBN 978-80-86327-99-0 Švecová M. (2012) Školní projekty v environmentální výchově a jejich využití ve školní praxi. České Budějovice: Vysoká škola evropských a regionálních studií, 2012, 100 s. ISBN 978-80-87472-36-1 Kubešová M., Regner J. (2010) Děti ve svém živlu aneb Jak na projekty, vlastní výuku i motivaci žáků v environmentální výchově na tématech voda, vzduch, půda. Praha: Sdružení TEREZA 2010, 109 s. Švecová M. (2001) Teorie a praxe zařazení školních projektů ve výuce přírodopisu, biologie a ekologie. Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum, 2001, 79 s. ISBN 80-246-0227-X Frantzen H., J. van Rossum (1999) přel. EuroLingua, spol. s.r.o. Ochrana životního prostředí na škole - Co je to, kde začít a jak na to? Karlovy Vary: IN LIEFDE BLOEIENDE, 1999, 43 s. Hunterová M. (1999) Účinné vyučování v kostce. přel. z angl. orig. Eva Vondráková. Praha: Portál, 1999, 102 s. ISBN 80-7178-220-3 Last update: Chlebounová Irena, RNDr. (14.07.2023)
1. Attendance at lessons (2 absences per semester are allowed, at least 80% of completed assignments in Google Classroom are taught online), there is possibility to have 3 more absences during pedagogical praxis 2. Written proposal of own project, its presentation and defense Last update: Chlebounová Irena, RNDr. (14.07.2023)
1. Project teaching - principles, advantages and difficulties, the role of teacher and student, definition of terms 2. Research-oriented teaching at home and abroad 3. Project day for school - methodology and experience from implementation, function of coordinator of environmental education 4. Projects focused on energy saving, Recycling 5. Projects focused on cooperation and relationships in a team, international program Eco-school (Ekocentrum Tereza) 6. Modeling of scientific research of the surroundings, field teaching, international program Globe (Ekocentrum Tereza) 7. City in your pocket - Microclimate around the school (Ekocentrum Koniklec), regional teaching and locally based learning 8. Forest in school, school in forest (Ekocentrum Tereza), regional textbooks, peer learning 9. Composting in school gardens (Ekodomov) 10. Creation of students' own projects - design, introduction, theoretical preparation 11. Presentation of projects, feedback and reflection (possible verification within pedagogical practices, cooperation with faculty teachers) In the case of online teaching, there will be up-to-date information and materials in Google Classroom. Last update: Chlebounová Irena, RNDr. (14.07.2023)