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Course, academic year 2024/2025
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Teaching Practice in Science - Inspection of Classes and its Reflection - MB180C07B
Title: Reflektovaná náslechová pedagogická praxe z přírodovědných předmětů (pro jednooborové studium)
Czech title: Reflektovaná náslechová pedagogická praxe z přírodovědných předmětů (pro jednooborové studium)
Guaranteed by: Department of Biology Education (31-180)
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
E-Credits: 2
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/1, C [TS]
Capacity: unlimited
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Guarantor: RNDr. Ina Rajsiglová, Ph.D.
RNDr. Irena Chlebounová
Annotation -
This listening pedagogical practice is intended for students of the bachelor's program in Biology with a focus on education, who study according to the so-called full plan (formerly "single-subject study"). The aim of this practice is for students to gain a broader view of the teaching of other science subjects in addition to biology (this is devoted to independent listening practice) and thus better prepare them for a situation where science teaching is integrated into some schools (so-called "science" model). Students typically complete it in the 3rd year.

The internship takes the form of observations of teaching units by faculty teachers. Students are divided into groups of two to five. Each group attends 1 week in selected schools with several faculty teachers, typically in physics, chemistry, geography and geology classes, if it is taught independently at the school, or as part of an integrated subject of "natural sciences". The group usually stays 2-3 days in high school and 2 days in elementary school. The required number of observations is 10 hours for the entire practice. It is possible to prepare some microteaching in the form of one activity if the faculty teacher has no problem with it.

In addition to registering the internship in the SIS, it is necessary to register for the internship via the table shared by dr. Jelen by 15.1. for LS and until 15.6. for ZS to provide schools for practice.

In the case of distance learning, it is possible to use the listening of teaching units recorded on the Internet, more information will be in Google Classroom.
Last update: Chlebounová Irena, RNDr. (11.07.2023)
Literature -

ČAPEK, R. (2017). Líný učitel. Jak učit dobře a efektivně. Praha: Raabe s. r. o.

ČAPEK, R. (2019). Líný učitel. Cesta pedagogického hrdiny. Praha: Raabe s. r. o.

ČAPEK, R. (2020). Líný učitel. Kompas moderního učitele. Praha: Raabe s. r. o.

FONTANA, D. (2003). Psychologie ve školní praxi. Příručka pro učitele. Praha: Portál.

GANAJOVÁ, M. a kol. (2021). Formatívne hodnotenie vo výučbe prírodných vied, matematiky a informatiky. Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika.

GILBERT, I. (2013). Essential Motivation in the Classroom. New York: Routledge.

KARNSOVÁ, M. (1995). Jak budovat dobrý vztah mezi učitelem a žákem. Praha: Portál.

KOLÁŘ, Z., ŠIKULOVÁ, R. (2009). Hodnocení žáků. Praha: Grada Publishing, a. s.

KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ (2020). Příprava, organizace a realizace pedagogických praxí na Přírodovědecké fakultě Univerzity Karlovy. Praha: PřF UK.

KOPŘIVA, P. a kol. (2008). Respektovat a být respektován. Kroměříž: Spirála.

KREJČOVÁ, L. (2013). Žáci potřebují přemýšlet. Co pro to mohou udělat jejich učitelé. Praha: Portál.

PETTY, G. (1996). Moderní vyučování. Praha: Portál.

SIEGLOVÁ, D. (2019). Konec školní nudy. Didaktické metody pro 21. století. Praha: Grada Publishing, a. s.

SITNÁ, D. (2013). Metody aktivního vyučování. Spolupráce žáků ve skupinách. Praha: Portál. 

VALIŠOVÁ, A., KOVAŘÍKOVÁ, M. (2021). Obecná didaktika. Praha: Grada Publishing, a. s.

Last update: Chlebounová Irena, RNDr. (15.07.2023)
Requirements to the exam -


1. observation 10 VJ (max. 2 VJ absence due to serious reasons) for the subject of approval - EVERYONE

2. submission of written records from hospitalized classes, pedagogical diary - EVERYONE (Can be submitted electronically)

3. submission of materials for internships (boards) with forms A, DPP of teachers and table of attendance - LEADER FOR THE GROUP

4. participation in the information meeting before and the reflection meeting after the internships, discussion about seen lesson + in the credit meeting - EVERYONE (during distance learning it can also be conducted online in Google Meet)

Last update: Chlebounová Irena, RNDr. (11.07.2023)
Syllabus -

Schedule of listening practices:

1. Registration for listening practice via a table shared by Dr. Jelen - until 15.1. for listening in LS and until 15.6. for listening in the ZS

2. Information meeting about 1 week before the internship (it can also be online via Google Meet) + discussion about seen lessons as preparation on real practises

3. Own weekly listening; count on the fact that the visit will burden you for the whole week, it is time consuming (trip to / from school, observation, analysis of lessons, assignments, study of school materials, acquaintance with the background of the school, etc.)

4. Reflex meeting about 1 week after internships (it can also be online via Google Meet)

5. Granting credits at a credit meeting after submitting records from the lessons and other materials including pedagogical diary and attending a reflection meeting.

Last update: Chlebounová Irena, RNDr. (11.07.2023)
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