Insects make up about half of the known diversity on the Earth and are considered as essential part of all terrestrial
ecosystems. The goal of this course is to provide basic knowledge on insects and improve the insight into their diversity. Lectures are focused on various aspects of entomology, such as systematic entomology and insect phylogeny, as well as ecology, ethology, and morphology of insects. This course does not require any previous knowledge of the subject and is thus recommended for bachelor students, including foreign ones. The whole course is English (for the Czech alternative, see Úvod do entomologie, MB170P126). Last update: Peterková Jindřiška, Ing. (04.05.2023)
1. Introduction to Entomology, brief history of the subject and overview on methodological aspects of studies of insects, introduction into phylogenetic perspective on systematical entomology 2. Importance of insects for people, insects as pests and biological control, parasitology, conservation 3. Introduction into evolutionary history of insects, paleoentomology. overview of most important morphological adaptations of insects (body segmentation, development) 4. Physiology of insects (cuticle and ecdysis, organ systems in insects, neuroethology) 5. Apterous Hexapoda and Palaeoptera (evolution and diversity) 6. Polyneoptera (evolution and diversity) 7. Paraneoptera (evolution and diversity) 8. Hymenoptera + Lepidoptera + Trichoptera (evolution and diversity) 9. Coleoptera + Strepsiptera + Neuropterida (evolution and diversity) 10. Diptera + Mecoptera (evolution and diversity) 11. Ecology of insects (biodiversity, biogeography, abiotic factors, interactions with other organisms) Last update: Peterková Jindřiška, Ing. (04.05.2023)