The course provides an overview of the basic types of biomolecules and the main segments of cellular metabolism with an emphasis on the energetics heterotrophic cells. The course is intended for students of the 2nd and higher semesters of the bachelor's study of biology and is recommended especially to all those who intend to study "experimental" biological disciplines (Life Sciences). The first part aims to introduce the various groups of biologically important molecules whose knowledge is needed to study cellular metabolism. The second part is focused on protein structures and their functions with an emphasis on enzymology. The third part presents the key pathways of catabolism and anabolism with emphasis on the animal cell. Metabolism is presented together with the relevant regulatory circuits. The course builds on the information obtained in the course on Cell Biology, which it further develops. It is a prerequisite for a more detailed study of metabolism – such as in plants (Plant Physiology, Selected Chapters in Plant Biochemistry), parasitic organisms (Parasite Biochemistry), and microorganisms (Bacterial Physiology, Microbiology). A rewarding area of study is also the comparative biochemistry - both of animals and other taxa, which offers several opportunities to pursue diploma projects in most departments. It is recommended to attend as a prerequisite a course on general chemistry/ basics of physical chemistry and organic chemistry. Passing the exam without these basics requires a longer preparation time. Information about the lecture and study aids can be found on the page "Biochemistry for Biologists - Virtual Study Room of Biochemistry" (dl2.cuni.cz); there is also a list of literature.
Last update: Folk Petr, doc. RNDr., CSc. (24.02.2021)
Murray M.K. et al., Harperova ilustrovaná biochemie, Galén, ISBN: 978-80-7262-907-7, 2012 Voet D., Principles of Biochemistry, John Wiley & Sons Inc, ISBN13 (EAN): 9781119451662, 2018 Voet D., Voet J.G., Pratt, Ch.W., Fundamentals of Biochemistry: Life at the Molecular Level 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc, ISBN-10: 1118918401, 2016 Nelson D., Cox, M.M., Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, W. H. Freeman; 7th ed. edition, ISBN-10: 9781464126116, 2017 Berg J.M., Stryer L., Tymoczko J.L., Gatto G.J., Biochemistry, WH Freeman; 9th ed., ISBN-10: 1319114652, 2019 Mathews K.Ch., Biochemistry, Pearson; 4th Revised ed. Edition, ISBN-10: 0138004641, 2012 Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 7th International edition, ISBN-10: 149636354X, 2017 Vodrážka Z., Biochemie, Academia, 2.opr. vydání, ISBN: 978-80-200-0600-4, 2007
Zapsaní studenti mají možnost využívat materiály na stránkách studovny v rámci Moodle (dl2.cuni.cz). Last update: Folk Petr, doc. RNDr., CSc. (05.04.2019)
Klasifikovaný zápočet má formu písemného testu v 1. a 1. opravném termínu. Pro 2. opravný termín a při termínech po druhém zápisu předmětu je forma ústní. Písemný test se skládá z 30 otázek, které testují znalosti v rozsahu syllabu přednášky. Otázky jsou typu a) výběru jedné správné odpovědi ze čtyř možností a b) "multiple choice" - výběru správných odpovědí, které mohou být v libovolném počtu (0 až 4). Last update: Folk Petr, doc. RNDr., CSc. (26.05.2019)
The first part aims to introduce the various groups of biologically important molecules whose knowledge is needed to study cellular metabolism. The second part is focused on protein structures and their functions with an emphasis on enzymology. The third part presents the key pathways of catabolism and anabolism with emphasis on the animal cell. Metabolism is presented together with the relevant regulatory circuits. The course builds on the information obtained in the course on Cell Biology, which it further develops. It is a prerequisite for a more detailed study of metabolism – such as in plants (Plant Physiology, Selected Chapters in Plant Biochemistry), parasitic organisms (Parasite Biochemistry), and microorganisms (Bacterial Physiology, Microbiology). A rewarding area of study is also the comparative biochemistry - both of animals and other taxa, which offers several opportunities to pursue diploma projects in most departments. It is recommended to attend as a prerequisite a course on general chemistry/ basics of physical chemistry and organic chemistry. Passing the exam without these basics requires a longer preparation time. Information about the lecture and study aids can be found on the page "Biochemistry for Biologists - Virtual Study Room of Biochemistry" (dl2.cuni.cz); there is also a list of literature. Last update: Folk Petr, doc. RNDr., CSc. (24.02.2021)