Discussion of PhD. topics. Presentations in Czech or English depending on the student's choice. Discussion is typically in the language of the presentation.
Last update: Herben Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc. (24.10.2019)
Diskuse doktorandských témat podle zásad uvedených níže. Prezentace mohou být v čestině nebo angličtině podle volby studenta.
Last update: Herben Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc. (24.10.2019)
Requirements to the exam -
Regular seminar attendance, presentation of one's own topic.
Last update: Herben Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc. (24.10.2019)
Pravidelná účast na seminářích, prezentace vlastního tématu.
Last update: Herben Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc. (24.10.2019)
Syllabus -
First-year students present their topics, including the context (why it needs to be done) and the suggested workflows. Students of the second and higher years may choose one of the following options:
(a) present their dissertation work, progress in it and plans for the next period. The presentation should be about 20-25 minutes (to allow enough time for discussion).
b) send a manuscript of some of your articles to others for reading. The article will be discussed at the seminar (you will get valuable comments on the current state of the manuscript and how to improve and complete it) - it is appropriate to present a short presentation at the beginning.
c) choose one or two articles by somebody else, which are related to some interesting problem / phenomenon / theory, etc., which is related to the topic of your work (articles are sent to others for reading and then discussed at the seminar - it is appropriate to introduce them in the form of a short presentation)
None of these options is preferred or recommended, but if you reported on your work last year, choose option b) or c) this year. Conversely, if you did not refer to your work last year, choose file a).
I reckon 45 minutes for each presenter.
Last update: Herben Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc. (24.10.2019)
Studenti prvniho rocniku predstavi svoje tema vcetne kontextu (proc je treba delat) a navrhovanych postupu prace. Studenti druheho a vyssich rocniku necht si vyberou jednu z techto moznosti:
a) prezentovat svou disertacni praci, pokrok v ni a plany na pristi obdobi
b) rozeslat rukopis nejakeho sveho clanku ostatnim k precteni, clanek bude na seminari diskutovan (ziskate cenne komentare k soucasnemu stavu manuskriptu a napady, jak ho vylepsit a dokoncit) - je vhodne manuskript na uvod predstavit kratkou prezentaci.
c) vybrat jeden az dva clanky (ne svoje), ktere se tykaji nejakeho zajimaveho problemu/jevu/teorie apod., ktera se tyka tematu prace (clanky jsou rozeslany ostatnim k precteni a nasledne na seminari diskutovany - je vhodne je na uvod predstavit formou kratke prezentace)
Zadna z techto voleb neni nijak preferovana ani doporucovana, ale pokud jste vloni referovali o sve praci, zvolte si letos spis moznost b) nebo c). Naopak, pokud jste vloni o sve praci nereferovali, zvolte spis moznost a).
Pocitejte s presentaci v delce tak 20 minut (aby bylo dost casu na diskusi). Na kazdeho presentujiciho celkem pocitam 45 minut.
Last update: Herben Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc. (26.08.2019)