In order to understand the recent legal development in Czech Republic it is an indispensable requirement to know the past. The Czechs are often deeply rooted in their history and the knowledge of the basics of Czech historical background appears therefore useful.
Last update: Horák Záboj, doc. JUDr. ICLic., LL.M., Ph.D. (28.01.2018)
Outline of the Course
V. MAMATEY & R. LUA: A history of the Czechoslovak Republic 1918-1948, Princeton, 1973 Z. A. B. ZEMAN: Pursued by a Bear: the Making of Eastern Europe, London, 1989 J. POLIŠENSKÝ: History of Czechoslovakia in Outline, Praha, 1991 J. KUKLÍK: The Recognition of Czechoslovak Government in Exile and its International Status 1939/1941, in: Prague Papers on History of International Relations, vol. 1, 1997 E. TABORSKY: Czechoslovak democracy at work, Londýn, 1945 G. ROBBERS (ed.): State and Church in the European Union, 2nd Edition, Baden-Baden, 2005 J. R. TRETERA, Z. HORÁK: Religion and Law in the Czech Republic, 2nd Edition, International Encyclopaedia of Laws/Religion, Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn, 2017, internet access at the Library of the Faculty of Law, Charles University. Direct access at http://www.kluwerlawonline.com.ezproxy.is.cuni.cz/toc.php?area=Looseleafs&mode=bypub&level=4&values=Looseleafs%7E%7EIEL+Religion Last update: Horák Záboj, doc. JUDr. ICLic., LL.M., Ph.D. (23.10.2019)