Introduction to Public International Law in the Czech Legal Context - HASO2
Title: Introduction to Public International Law in the Czech Legal Context
Guaranteed by: International Office (22-ZO)
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Actual: from 2024
Semester: winter
Points: 0
E-Credits: 5
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:1/0, Ex [HT]
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: prof. JUDr. Pavel Šturma, DrSc.
Teacher(s): prof. JUDr. Pavel Šturma, DrSc.
Examination dates   WS schedule   Noticeboard   
Annotation -
The optional course provides an introduction to Public International Law. It is divided into 10 lectures that present both some basic concepts and principles of PIL and selected areas (branches) of this legal order. Even though the course starts from basic concepts, as some students have not yet studied PIL and need to learn the basics, it also includes certain lectures that go well beyond the mere introduction. This means that students with some knowledge of PIL can also benefit from the lectures and learn more.
Last update: Marešová Svatava, Ing. (19.10.2022)
Requirements to the exam

Written form (combination of multiple choice and open questions); in 1 hour.

Means of communication:


(MS Teams only if lectures need to be done on-line)

Last update: Marešová Svatava, Ing. (19.10.2022)

Outline of the Course

Lecture 1:  Introduction to the course. Basic concepts. Relationship between national and International law. The practice of the Czech Republic. 


Lecture 2:  Sources of International Law. Primary and subsidiary sources. Treaties. Customary international law. 


Lecture 3:  Subjects of International Law. States. International organizations.


Lecture 4:  Individuals in International Law. Categories of inhabitants. Protection of refugees and IDPs.


Lecture 5:  International protection of human rights and the Czech Republic.


Lecture 6:  International humanitarian law.  


Lecture 7:  International criminal law. The International Criminal Court.


Lecture 8:  International responsibility



Lecture 9:  The use of force under International Law.



Lecture 10:  International economic law. The WTO and other institutions. Investment protection.


 Course Goals / Learning Outcomes:


The goals of the course are to give students the knowledge and skills necessary for study of PIL and its selected branches, such as the Human Rights Law. The students should be able to read, understand and interpret, where appropriate, the most important legal documents, such as the UN Charter, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and some human rights instruments.


Reading List

P. ŠTURMA, V. BÍLKOVÁ: Introduction to Public International Law in the Czech Legal Context (scriptum/reader). CU law Faculty, 2019

M. D. EVANS (ed.): International Law. Oxford University press, 2003 

M. GEISTLINGER & E. KONJECIC (eds.): Public International Law at Central European Universities. Casebook, Karolinum, Praha, 2000
P. ŠTURMA (ed.): Implementation of Human Rights and International Control Mechanism, PF UK, Praha, 1999

Last update: Marešová Svatava, Ing. (19.10.2022)