The control of subject is in three areas:
Activity during lectures (i.e. readiness to discuss based on preparation) - represents 30 % of the entire grading. Activity is either successfully gained or not, i.e. either 0 % or 30 %.
Final essay - described below, represents 70 % of the entire grade.
Presence during the lectures at least in 70 % of total amount of lectures. It does not represent part of the final grade, it is condition to write the final essay.
Grading scale:
0 - 50 % 4 (F)
51 - 70 % 3 (E)
71 – 80 % 2- (D)
81 - 90 % 2 (C)
91 – 95 % 1- (B)
96 - 100 % 1 (A)
Final essay:
Students will be given list of three essay topics in the first week of the subject (example: "What are the basis of criticism of the ICC Appeals Chamber's decision on immunity of Al-Bashir?"; "Is the Role of Victims in the Proceedings in front of the ICC Improving Their Rights or Does It Prolongate the Proceedings?" etc.) and their task is to submit an essay of 3.000-3.500 words (excluding bibliography and footnotes) till the beginning of the examination term.
Grading of the essay will be based on the following criteria: knowledge of law (30 %), accuracy, persuasiveness and organization of the argumentation (35 %), scope and relevancy of the sources and footnote aparatus (20%), formal and stylistic format (15 %).
Formal requirements of the essay and its submission rules:
Electronic version in format .doc or .docx
Essay must be submitted in electronic form to the guarantor of the subject latest during the first day of examination term following the semester of the subject (email address
Formal and stylistic requirements:
Title page contains only name and surname of the student, title of the subject, phrase "essay topic:" and the chosen topic, academic year of the essay submission and number of words of the text of the essay (excluding title page, footnotes and bibliography).
Text of the essay in English language, format Times New Roman, size 12; 1,5 spaces between lines; gaps 0.
The text must be accompanied with footnotes and bibliography. Footnotes only contain references, not argumentation itself.
Literature and other references must use unified quotation system, e.g. OSCOLA International.
Bibliography - divided into sections (treaties, resolutions, books, articles, case-law etc.)
Means of communication:
Moodle and in case of need also MS Teams.