Jan Kudrna
Miluše Kindlová
Jan Grinc
Marek Antoš
Ondřej Preuss
Karel Řepa
Organisation and Management of the Course:
JUDr. Jan Kudrna, Ph.D.; e-mail: kudrnaj@prf.cuni.cz
- Introductory Information; Roots and Main Features of the Contemporary Constitutional System of the Czech Republic (Kudrna)
- Sources of Law in the Czech Republic; International Law and European Law, Parliament and the Legislative procedure (Preuss)
- Elections in the Context of Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic (Antoš)
- The President and the Government in the Parliamentary System of the Czech Republic (Kindlová)
- Institutional Protection of Human Rights – the Judiciary and the Public Defender of Rights (Řepa)
- Institutional Protection of Human Rights – the Constitutional Court (Kindlová)
- Political Rights in the Czech Republic (Kindlová)
- Political Rights in the Czech Republic and the example of Freedom of Assembly (Kudrna)
- Socio-economical rights and their Interpretation by the Constitutional Court (Antoš)
- Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, the Right to Judicial and Other Legal Protection in the Charter and in the Decisions of the Constitutional Court. (Grinc)
- Examination (Kudrna)
Course Materials:
- The Introduction to the Czech Constitutional Law (a course-book – updated through the articles below)
- The Constitution of the Czech Republic
- The Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms
- Antoš, Marek, Horák, Filip: Proportionality Means Proportionality : Czech Constitutional Court, 2 February 2021, Pl. ÚS 44/17: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1574019621000328
- Kindlová, Miluše, Preuss, Ondřej: Conscientious Objection to Compulsory Vaccination? Lessons from the Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights and a Test Employed by the Czech Constitutional Court: https://doi.org/10.1515/icl-2022-0007
- Grinc, Jan: Constitutional stability and dynamics in the Czech Republic: http://dx.doi.org/10.13165/j.icj.2019.05.003
- Kudrna, Jan: Dissolution of the Chamber of Deputies in the Czech Republic – the Origin and Essence of Applicable Constitutional Legislation: https://ojs.mruni.eu/ojs/jurisprudence/article/view/1544
- Kudrna, Jan: Cancellation of early elections by the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic: Beginning of a New Concept of “Protection of Constitutionality”: https://ojs.mruni.eu/ojs/jurisprudence/article/view/1026
- Kudrna, Jan: The Question of Conducting Direct Elections of the President in the Czech Republic (A Live Issue for Already 20 Years): https://ojs.mruni.eu/ojs/jurisprudence/article/view/1682
- Kudrna, Jan: Human Rights – Real or Just Formal Rights? Example of the (Un)Constitutionality of Data Retention in the Czech Republic: https://ojs.mruni.eu/ojs/jurisprudence/article/view/102
- Kudrna, Jan: The possibilities of combating so-called disinformation in the context of the European Union legal framework and of constitutional guarantees of freedom of expression in the European Union member states: http://dx.doi.org/10.13165/j.icj.2022.12.002
- Kudrna, Jan: The importance of well-adjusted public regulations and the impact of deficiencies on the functioning of the state in crisis situations – the example of the Czech Republic in the European Constitutional Context: http://dx.doi.org/10.13165/j.icj.2023.06.004
Final Examination:
The course concludes with a written exam consisting of open-ended questions of varying degrees of difficulty which must be answered briefly but concisely. The exam tests basic, but not detailed, knowledge of the constitutional system of the Czech Republic. Regular attendance at lectures is important.
Means of Communication:
MS Teams
Last update: Marešová Svatava, Ing. (13.03.2024)
Jan Kudrna
Miluše Kindlová
Jan Grinc
Marek Antoš
Ondřej Preuss
Karel Řepa
Organisation and Management of the Course:
JUDr. Jan Kudrna, Ph.D.; e-mail: kudrnaj@prf.cuni.cz
1) Introductory Information; Roots of the Contemporary Constitutional System of the Czech Republic (Kudrna)
2) Sources of Law in the Czech Republic; International Law and European Law + Parliament and the Legislative procedure (Preuss)
3) Elections in the Context of Constitutional Law of the Czech Republic (Antoš)
4) The President and the Government in the Parliamentary System of the Czech Republic (Kindlová)
5) Institutional Protection of Human Rights – the Constitutional Court (Kindlová)
6) Institutional Protection of Human Rights – the Judiciary and the Public Defender of Rights (Řepa)
7) Freedom of Assembly etc. (Kudrna)
8) Socio-economical rights and their Interpretation by the Constitutional Court. (Antoš)
9) Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, the Right to Judicial and Other Legal Protection in Charter and in the Decisions of the Constitutional Court. (Grinc)
10) Political Rights in the Czech Republic (Kindlová)
11) Transformation of the Constitutional System; Selected Topical Problems – Sample Study: Lustrations (Kudrna)
12) Examination
Course Materials:
· The Introduction to the Czech Constitutional Law (a course-book)
· The Constitution of the Czech Republic
· The Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms
· Kieran Williams: A Scorecard for Czech Lustration (in Central Europe Review, Vol. 1, No. 19, available at http://www.ce-review.org/99/19/williams19.html)
· Kudrna, Jan: Dissolution of the Chamber of Deputies in the Czech Republic – the Origin and Essence of Applicable Constitutional Legislation, available at http://bit.ly/rozpousteni
· Kudrna, Jan: Cancellation of early elections by the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic: Beginning of a New Concept of “Protection of Constitutionality”, available at http://bit.ly/cancel-elections
. Kudrna, Jan: The Question of Conducting Direct Elections of the President in the Czech Republic (A Live Issue for Already 20 Years) available at http://bit.ly/direct-president
Last update: Kohout David, JUDr., Ph.D. (30.06.2022)