Immunopharmacology enriches knowledge based on immunology education reflecting the increasing amount of immunomodulating drugs introduced recently. It covers agents used in transplantology and allergology, in immunotherapy of cancer and immunity defects treatment. The attention is paid to immunotoxicology and drug (xenobiotics) allergy.
Last update: ERUDIO (21.03.2006)
Fučíková T. a kol.: Základy klinické imunologie. Victoria Publishing, 1994 Jílek P., Trummová D., Kaňková M.: Kapitoly z imunofarmakologie. Praha : Karolinum, 1997 Klener P. a kol.: Cytokiny ve vnitřním lékařství. Praha : Grada, 1997 Krejsek J., Kopecký O.: Klinická imunologie. Hradec Králové : Nucleus HK, 2004 Last update: ERUDIO (21.03.2006)