The subject provides pharmacists with a survey of the fundamentals of the use of biochemistry in the diagnostics and monitoring of pathological states. The lectures and seminars link up with the knowledge obtained in the subject Pathobiochemistry. Practical classes concentrate on selected laboratory techniques, demonstration of the use of analyzers, organisation and checking of work, and automation and information systems utilized in the work of departments of clinical biochemistry.
Last update: ERUDIO (21.03.2006)
Zima T.: Laboratorní diagnostika. Galén, 2002 {vybrané kapitoly} Racek J.: Klinická biochemie. Karolinum, 1999 {vybrané kapitoly} Dršata J., Palička V.: Úvod do klinické biochemie. Praha : SPN, 1989 Last update: ERUDIO (21.03.2006)