Applied Statistics deals with basic statistical methods used in pharmacy. It gives an overview of the most common statistical tests and methods, with an emphasis on choosing the right type of statistical test and the resulting interpretation of the results. Students will become familiar with basic statistical functions in common software (mainly Prism GraphPad) using concrete examples from pharmacy and related fields.
Last update: Duintjer Tebbens Erik Jurjen, doc. Dipl.-Math., Ph.D. (11.10.2024)
Conditions for granting the credit test – Applied statistics
Last update: Duintjer Tebbens Erik Jurjen, doc. Dipl.-Math., Ph.D. (11.10.2024)
Last update: prepocet_literatura.php (19.09.2024)
Garant přednáší, učitele vedou semináře. Konzultace možná na základě osobního, telefonického nebo emailového objednání. Last update: Duintjer Tebbens Erik Jurjen, doc. Dipl.-Math., Ph.D. (11.10.2024)
Předmět není ukončen zkouškou. Last update: Duintjer Tebbens Erik Jurjen, doc. Dipl.-Math., Ph.D. (11.10.2024)
- descriptive statistics for quantitative and qualitative data and their visualization - normal and lognormal distribution, tests of (log)normality, qq-plots - curve fitting for nonlinear agonist/inhibitor models - simple and multiple linear regression - simple and multiple logistic regression - survival analysis - t-tests and nonparametric counterparts - ANOVA, one- and two-way and nonparametric counterparts - Chi-square and exact Fisher test - Correlation coefficient and autocorrelation Last update: Duintjer Tebbens Erik Jurjen, doc. Dipl.-Math., Ph.D. (11.10.2024)