Six-month Traineeship in the Pharmacy - GF195
Title: Šestiměsíční odborná praxe v lékárně
Guaranteed by: Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy (16-16220)
Faculty: Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Actual: from 2018
Semester: winter
Points: 0
E-Credits: 40
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/0, C [HS]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
4EU+: no
Virtual mobility / capacity: no
Key competences:  
State of the course: not taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Explanation: (F, 5.r.)
Note: deregister from the credit exam date if a requisite was not fulfilled
course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: RNDr. Jana Kotlářová, Ph.D.
Classification: Pharmacy > External Subjects
Pre-requisite : GF190
Is co-requisite for: GF205
Is incompatible with: GF349
Is interchangeable with: GF349, GF363
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
This subject is closely related to subjects Pharmaceutical Care and Pharmacy Practice, is to close by students links between theoretical knowledge from the faculty and practical activities in reality, give and improve them necessary skills for their professional life. This practice is full in accordance with Council Directive 2005/36/EC and 2013/55/EC. Students during the 6months practice performed in pharmacies in the Czech Republic and abroad should be in depth acknowledged with a pharmacy and carry out all common activities there on a level of a pharmacy technician and especially on a level of a graduated pharmacist (magister).
Last update: Kotlářová Jana, RNDr., Ph.D. (20.12.2017)
Course completion requirements -

Credit is given for active participation in pharmacy (26 weeks), passing of written test with opened questions and fulfilment of tasks (essay + case study from pharmacy).

Last update: Kotlářová Jana, RNDr., Ph.D. (15.01.2018)
Literature -


  • Col.. European pharmacopoeia, Ninth edition : published in accordance with the Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2016, 11 s. ISBN 978-92-871-8129-9.


  • web sites of national authorities in field of medicines
  • Langley, Christopher A. Belcher, Dawn. Fasttrack : applied pharmaceutical practice. London: Pharmaceutical Press, 2009, 195 s. ISBN 978-0-85369-835-7.
  • Kelly, William N.. Pharmacy : what it is and how it works. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2012, 452 s. ISBN 978-1-4398-5305-4.

Last update: prepocet_literatura.php (19.09.2024)
Teaching methods -

Practice in pharmacy.

Last update: Kotlářová Jana, RNDr., Ph.D. (20.12.2017)
Syllabus -

Students have to work under the professional guidance in the areas of galenics, drug supply and storage and drug control (raw materials and manufactured products). They should also obtain the basic idea on dispensation activities of pharmacy technicians (dispensation related to health-care facilities and of non-prescription drugs to public), they should carry out the majority of activities on a level of a graduated pharmacists (magister), especially the dispensation ones. They should receive high quality knowledge on a pharmacy practice related matters and assort the knowledge received during the study.
Students have compulsory activities and further recommended activities and topics (many of these activities are realized only in hospital pharmacies, they help to increase the students´ reach. However, their wide spread in more pharmacies in the future is very probable), Good pharmacy practice, pharmaceutical care.

Main themes

Professional activities in details:

 1. Dispensation Activity

Application of  normative rules dealing with dispensation activity.

Structure and equipment of a dispensation workplace.

Organization of dispensation.

Review of the formal properties of a medical prescription.

Review of the professional quality of a medical prescription (interactions, overdosage of  conventional and maximum dose).

Application of dispensation minimum-information on drugs (in the group of the mass-produced drugs = HVLP  especially the main active substance, pharmacotherapeutical group, size of the pack, concentration, dosage form, side and adverse effects, contraindications,etc.).

Application of knowledge of the communication rules concerning the patient   (psychological aspects).

Determination of Health Insurance Company settlement of drugs and medical devices (by means of computing system or VZP = General Health Insurance company numeric code), limited prescription, medical inspector´s authorization,etc.)

Dispensation of  prescription drugs, backward control of a medical prescriptions.

Dispensation of the OTC drugs.

Principles of consultation for self-medication.

Delivery of drugs and medical devices to the outpatient departments and health institutions (order forms).

Dispensation of the ordered drugs and medical devices.

Dispensation of drugs and medical devices for veterinary use.

Dispensation of narcotic and psychotropic drugs.

Dispensation of prescription and- non prescription medical devices.

Writing an excerpt of a medical prescription, repeat prescriptions.

Dispensation of parapharmaceuticals and other products.

Computer system at a dispensation workplace.


2. Preparation of Pharmaceuticals – Medicinal products

Application of normative rules dealing  with activities connected with preparation of  pharmaceuticals.

Structure and equipment of a pharmaceuticals preparation workplace.

Organization of pharmaceutical preparation.

Obligations connected with pharmaceutical preparation mentioned in Directive No 84/2008 Coll.

Pharmacist´s possibilities to change a medical prescription when preparing pharmaceuticals.

Practical use of Czech Pharmacopoeia 2009 (tables, dosage form articles, pharmaceutical preparations articles).

Reading and general review of a medical prescription.

Pharmaceutical calculations, maximum and recommmended therapeutic doses.

Planning the method of preparation, incompatibilities and their possible solutions, difficult and troublesome preparations.

Operations increasing stability and providing microbiological perfection of pharmaceuticals.

Shelf life of individually prepared pharmaceuticals.

Rules of preparation of particular dosage forms.

Rules of preparation of sterile pharmaceuticals.

Rules of good adjustment and writing signatures.

Mass production, technological prescription.

Preparation of intermediary products e.g. triturations, stock solutions.

Professional administration and documentation concerning pharmaceutical preparation.

Mensuration (setting price) of individually prepared pharmaceuticals, evidence of this „taxa laborum“ including its PC software evidence .


3. Supply and Delivery Activity

Product range of a pharmacy.

Methods of ordering used in supplying a pharmacy.

Basic list of distributors supplying the pharmacy, their product range, PDK  numeric code .

Health care aids supply, ordering to the producers.

Delivery acceptance operations (batch number and expiry control, piece evidence, price calculation) .

Delivery evidence for following PC automatic data processing (stock evidence).

Complaints and methods of liquidation.

Obligatory storage of particular mass produced drugs, medicinal substances, excipients, pharmaceuticals and other products.

Resupplying of mass produced drugs and supercharching of medicinal substances, excipients and pharmaceuticals.

Waste handling at the pharmacy, liquidation of non-utilizable pharmaceuticals.


4. Control Activity

Application of normative rules dealing with medicinal substances and excipients control operations.

Structure and equipment of a workplace of medicinal substances and ecxipients control.

Obligatory reagents set, preparation of reagent and volumetric solutions.

Instrumental equipment of pharmacy used in evaluation of pharmaceuticals´quality.

Entry examination test of delivered medicinal substances and excipients (Czech Pharmacopoeia 2009, pharmaceutical control cards), evidence and documentation of provided control operations.

Final inspection of in-prepared pharmaceuticals (individual and mass preparation).

Guarantee of purified water quality control.

Drug control during their storage in the pharmacy (batch, expiry date, shelf life of mass produced drugs), certification documents of medicinal substances, excipients and pharmaceuticals used in further pharmaceutical preparation.

Blocked and cancelled drugs and other products with quality defects.

Good storage temperature and humidity control. Control of the correct function of devices  (balance, etc.).

Sanitary mode and its providing, operating rules of the pharmacy.

Pharmacy´s function control subjects ( SUKL = State Institute of Drug Control, ČLK = Czech Pharmaceutical Chamber ).


5. Information, Cosnultation and Health Education Activity

Printed information sources (professional literature, normative rules and medicinal press available in and out of the pharmacy) and their active use.

Use of on-line sources and database systems (AISLP = Automatical Information System of Drugs) in finding information.

Cooperation with the pharmaceutical firms´representatives.

Cooperation with Drug Information Centres.

Providing the professional info on drugs and other products to the patients.

Health education in wide sense of the word, health support.

Providing of professional info on new products, accessibility and substitution (in the range of HVLP ) and individually prepared pharmaceuticals to workers in health service.

Pharmacoinformatics at the Health Institutions.


6. Administration Activity

Documentation of professional operations in the pharmacy according to Dir. No 84/2008 Coll.

Narcotic and psychotropic drugs evidence professional administration.

Medical prescriptions and order forms data processing, back control.

Communication with the Health Insurance Companies, forming of the medical prescriptions batches, reimbursement.

Sending invoices to the customers and the distributors´invoices processing.

Principles of accounting (basic data collecting, transfer to further processing).

Basic bank transactions principle (payment order).

Inventory check at the pharmacy.

Personal administration at the pharmacy.


7. Recommended Activities and Topics

 (Many of these activities are realized only in hospital pharmacies.They help to increase the students´ reach and they are not obligatory. However, their wide spread in more pharmacies in the future is very probable).

Searching the patients with selective dispensation needs (discrete area, detailed information).

Patients´drug information cards/Patient medication records.

Information value of a medical prescription (patient´s disease problem, probable interactions, dosage schemes).

Continual postgraduate education of the pharmacists.

Clinical pharmacy at the pharmacy.

Positive lists of drugs in the hospitals, drug committees, antibiotical policy.

Special dosage forms preparation (cytostatics, all-in-one bags).

Drugs and medical devices storage control in Health Institutions.

A clinical pharmacist´s help at hospital departments.

Taking part in clinical studies, ethical committee.

Drug levels monitoring.


Last update: Kotlářová Jana, RNDr., Ph.D. (20.12.2017)