General and Inorganic Chemistry - GF004
Examination dates Schedule
General Chemistry is fundamental to understanding other chemical disciplines. The subject deals with atomic structure, the theory of chemical bond, the periodic character of physical and chemical properties of elements and compounds and with the course of chemical reactions. Inorganic chemistry gives a systematic survey of chemical elements and their compounds on the basis of the location of the elements in the periodic table; special emphasis is put on biological and pharmaceutical importance.
Last update: ERUDIO (21.03.2006)
Klimešová V., Palát K.: Základy obecné chemie pro farmaceuty. Praha : Karolinum, 2003 Krätsmar-Šmogrovič J. a kol: Všeobecná a anorganická chemie. Osveta, 1994 Klimešová V. a kol.: Seminární cvičení z obecné a anorganické chemie. Praha : Karolinum, 2003 House J. E., House K. A.: Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry. Academic Press, 2001 Shriver D.F., Atkis P.W.: Inorganic Chemistry. 3th ed. Oxford University Press, 1999 Daub G.H., Seese W.S.: Basic Chemistry. 7th ed. Prentice-Hall, 1996 Greenwood N. N., Earnshaw A.: Chemie prvků. Informatorium, 1993 Last update: ERUDIO (21.03.2006)