The subject follows up on undergradute courses in Organic Chemistry I and II. It is directed towards broadening the knowledge of physico-chemical properties of organic compounds, with the aim of deeper understanding of structure - activity relationships. A more detailed explanation of reaction mechanisms is also included, in order to make the students familiar with the principles of organic syntheses based on complete understanding of organic reactions, with the aim of applying them to the syntheses of new compounds. Upon completing the course, students should be able to design simple organic syntheses, with a particular focus on biologically important targets.
Last update: Neznámá Renáta (22.08.2019)
Last update: Neznámá Renáta (22.08.2019)
- Nomenclature of organic compounds - Estimation of physico-chemical properties of organic compounds (solubility, acidity/basicity) - Basic spectral properties of individual (functional group based) classes of organic compounds (IR, NMR) - Reactivity of individual (functional group based) classes of organic compounds - Preparation of individual (functional group based) classes of organic compounds - Mechanisms of organic reactions Last update: Neznámá Renáta (22.08.2019)